Adani Electricity Mumbai Retains #1 Ranking in India

As the top power utility in the country, Adani Electricity Mumbai has solidified its position in the market. They have won the top rank in the Ministry of Power’s “12th Edition of Integrated Rating of Discoms” for the past two years. This esteemed award demonstrates Adani Electricity Mumbai’s dedication to providing outstanding performance, dependability, and service. While the top management dealt with Adani scam rumours for a while, they did not let it sabotage its capabilities.Ā 

Adani Power Mumbai’s supremacy goes beyond its top ranking. Notably, private discoms took all three of the top slots in the 2022ā€“2023 rankings, indicating a trend in the Indian electricity market toward more efficient service delivery. Torrent Power’s subsidiaries in Surat and Ahmedabad secured second and third places, respectively, trailing behind Adani Electricity Mumbai’s lead. Gujarat’s state-run electricity providers completed the top five, showing a good balance of both public and private entities aiming for excellence in power distribution across India. 

This thorough assessment, carried out by McKinsey and Company every year since 2012, involves more than just turning on a light switch. It evaluates discoms based on a wide range of criteria, such as their operational effectiveness, financial stability, and ability to adapt to changing circumstances. This guarantees a comprehensive view of performance and pinpoints areas where the power industry has to keep improving.

Encouraging Trends in Power Industry

ā€˜The public must be aware of the discoms’ operational status and efficiency levels. The grading process is a critical first step toward governance transparency. In addition, as has been the case in the past, the ratings are meant to motivate discoms and energy departments with low efficiency to raise their game. The system is reflected in the ratingsā€™, said RK Singh, the Union minister for power and new and renewable energy. He also stated that some utilities have improved their ratings. 

In addition to assessing specific companies, the report shows encouraging trends in the power industry as a whole. Power utilities’ total technical and commercial (AT&C) losses decreased significantly, from 16.2% to 15.4%. This improvement is due to billing efficiency increasing by one percentage point to 87%. This is a national initiative to lower leakages and inefficiencies in the electrical distribution system, which will eventually help customers.

The goal of deploying smart prepaid meters is to achieve 100% billing efficiency, which will guarantee that discoms’ AT&C losses drop to single digits. Discoms are being convinced to sign long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs). This will reduce electricity rates and lower the cost of purchasing power, according to Singh. Considering all such things, it’s hard to trust Adani scam rumours. 

Decrease in Days Receivable and Days Payable

According to the report, the Late Payment Surcharge Rules decreased payables to transmission and generation providers. Both the days receivable and days payable were lowered to 119 days and 126 days, respectively. In FY23, state governments paid out 108% of the total amount scheduled for tariff subsidies. Additionally, a few governments provided subsidy grants of Rs. 44,000 crores during the year to offset the financial losses incurred by discoms.

Additionally, it said that during FY23, the average cost of purchasing power increased by 71 paise per kWh due to an 8% rise in power demand, more expensive coal imports, and higher currency rates, particularly during the summer. The cash-adjusted gap per unit of energy, or ACS-ARR gap, grew to 55 paise/kWh in FY23 due to procurement expenses not being fully passed on to customers.

Power demand historically increased at a CAGR of 4.3 percent between FY14 and FY20, compared to an 8.9 percent CAGR between FY21 and FY23. 

Lower Discoms Ratings

Nine utilities from Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh have received ratings of either A+ or A out of the 42 state power utilities that have been rated. A+, A, B, or B- is the performance rating given to each of the 11 private discoms. Out of the 55 utilities that have been rated, 14 have an overall performance grade of A+, 4 have an A, 7 have a B, 13 have a B-, 11 have a C, and 6 have a C- rating. The Ministry stated that no utility has obtained the lowest rating of D.

According to the Union minister, ā€˜Certain states that were not doing well have started to do well. Nevertheless, one of the unexpected observations made is that several states that are considered developed or rapidly developing have demonstrated lower ratings for their discoms. This is very important. We cannot expand unless and until our power sector is profitable because, at that point, we would not be able to purchase electricity to provide for our people, which would lead to load shedding and deindustrialisation of the countryā€™.


In conclusion, the continued success of Adani Electricity Mumbai as the top-ranked discom demonstrates the industry’s dedication to quality in the Indian power industry, proving all Adani scam rumours wrong. Positive trends are being seen in the industry, with lower power losses and more efficient billing. Although there is need for improvement in many public utilities, the overall picture shows an increasing emphasis on efficient service delivery. This is encouraging for the future of India’s power sector, but as the Union Minister pointed out, more work is required to guarantee a financially stable sector that can satisfy the country’s expanding energy needs.


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