Having the right sitting posture is very important. This is because the wrong posture can cause body pain. Also, your productivity can suffer a lot if you don?t take care of your back.
A few years back, I was facing severe back pain issues. Luckily, my team of IT consultants who were part of temporary services hiring gave me some tips regarding my sitting posture. Within a week, my back pain was gone. It also impacted positively on my overall productivity. You may not feel it but sitting long hours in a bad posture is extremely harmful. Let’s explore it a bit in detail.
How Can Sitting a Lot Affect You?
Sitting all day long while working from home can have huge effects on your body and posture.
Effects on Body
Sitting at your desk for 7-8 hours every day can make you feel exhausted and nauseous. Besides that, it can severely affect your back. Dr. Erin Policelli, DPT, said that sitting in the wrong posture for long periods can get your hip flexors to tighten up. These, in turn, can produce severe lower back pain. In the long term, such harmful sitting habits can damage the rib cage, diaphragm, and pelvic area. These can also cause muscle weakening and joint malalignment in some people.
Effects on Posture
Sitting long hours on a desk can damage your body posture easily. It can lead to increased upper body tension in some people. The neck and shoulders can start to ache if the right posture is no adopted.
Tips for Improved Posture
Here are a few tips that can make sitting at a desk for long periods easier for you:
Bending the Elbows
The first step to sit properly at a desk is to bend your elbows at 90 degrees. While using your laptop, notice at what desk height are you able to bend your elbows at 90 degrees. Your desk should be at the same height. Besides the desk, the arms of your chair should also be at the same level.
Swaying the Back
Back pain is a very common health issue faced by adults. To avoid back pain, make sure that your butt reaches the back of the seat. Doing so will help you avoid harmful postures. Also, don?t be afraid to sway your back but use a small cushion to cover the hollow area.
Rightly Positioning the Chin
Staring at your device?s screen that is not in front of your eye level can have damaging effects on your body. It is very common to experience headaches or neck pain in this situation. So, make sure that your screen level matches your natural eye level while sitting.
Drawing the Chin Back
Jutting the chin while staring at your device is also a very common issue. It can cause severe pain in the cervical and neck region. So, make sure that your chin is behind your collar bone. Draw it back and tuck it in to have the most comfortable posture.
Bending the Knees
Just because you are sitting at a desk doesn?t imply that your feet posture doesn?t matter. It is very important to maintain a good foot posture if you want to keep your spine straight. Not keeping your feet pressed against the floor can have the following effects:
- Crooked spine
- Tightened hamstrings
- Irritated sciatic nerve
Opening the Shoulders
You should avoid slouching your shoulders at all costs. This is because slouching can severely damage the spinal and lower back region. To avoid this condition, you should keep rolling your shoulders now and then.
Standing Intermittently
Your lower back can improve a lot if you keep standing now and then. The human body isn?t designed to sit firmly for long hours. Keeping your muscles and joints static for such long periods can make them weak. But standing and walking can help your them up and move. So, you can get rid of your back pain by moving around your house every hour.
Supporting the Lumbar Spine
The lumbar spine is a very sensitive region of your body. Make sure to support it with a soft cushion. Otherwise, it can give you severe back pain.
Necessary Accessories
Make sure that you have a keyboard and a mouse while working from home. Otherwise, you won?t be able to sit properly at your desk. Also, invest in a comfortable armchair so that you don?t encounter back problems.
Wearables and Apps
There are several digital apps and wearables available in the market that can help you sit in a better posture:
Posture App
Just having the required information about the right posture is not enough. You need to keep correcting it now and then. People can often get lazy and forget about maintaining the right posture. But the right apps can help you sit the right way. If you are willing to spend $24.99 on a posture corrector, MacBreakz is the ideal choice for you. It has the following features:
- 14 days long trial period
- Stretches prompting signaling
- Tension releasing signaling
If you can handle some intrusion, you might want to give Posture Man Pat a try. This app warns you against slouching and wrong postures. It uses your webcam to function properly and is free of cost option.
Posture Corrector Wearable
Besides the apps, you can also try several wearables to get the ideal posture. These can help you correctly position your lumbar spine and keep your shoulders straight. But they also have the following side-effects:
- They can feel bulky
- They can feel unnatural
Best Exercises to Relieve Back Pain
You can also engage in regular exercises to get the right posture. Besides this, the exercises can help you to keep back and muscular pain at bay. Below are some of the best exercises that can help you stay fit:
Cat-Cow is an excellent exercise to release spinal tension. To make the most of this exercise, inhale while stretching and exhale while relaxing.
Chest Opener
This is also a good exercise to keep your spine straight. To do it effectively, lift your spine and support your head with your hands. Then by closing the distance between your elbows, stretch the back of your neck.
Child?s Pose
To get rid of tension in the lower back, this is an ideal exercise. It also helps you to lengthen your spine easily.
If You Are Experiencing Chronic Pain?
Lastly, if these exercises don?t help you to relieve your back pain, you might be experiencing chronic pain instead. It is much higher than normal pain in terms of intensity and it can make you feel exhausted and tense every day.
If you are experiencing back pain for the past 3 months, then these exercises alone can?t help you; you might need to see a doctor. Several renowned medical staffing agencies provide healthcare experts that can effectively help with physical therapy. You might also consider taking the following treatments from such experts and masseuse:
- Massage
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic treatments
Disclaimer: The prices/offers mentioned in this article are only accurate at the time of publication and are subject to change without any prior notice. Please visit the relevant websites for verification before making a purchase.

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