What are the Best Educational Indoor Activities that Most Good Hostel Schools in India are following?

educational indoor activities

There’s a common perception that life in boarding schools in India is monotonous and boring. Thus, good hostel schools in India are trying to break the myth by experimenting with different indoor educational activities. These activities are interesting and no less engaging than group indoor games. Students in boarding schools learn in multiple ways. One of the most innovative ways is these educational indoor activities that don’t fit the school timetable but share better opportunities to acquire new skills. 

Even on weekends, which are mainly non-study days, the boarding school staff can keep them entertained productively. Not many resources are required to keep learners engaged in these activities. 

Indoor Activities vs Indoor Games 

A boarding school organizes both indoor games and activities from time to time. In the case of educational indoor games, one party loses and another party wins the game. But for fun indoor activities, it’s a win-win for all. Students engage in activities like treasure hunts, book clubs, etc, where they learn new skills without the rush of winning against other parties. Students also internalize values like group learning, teamwork, coordination, etc. The good hostels in India can keep conducting both educational games and activities alternatively every week. These will make the learners engaged and attentive to the events. 

5 Best Educational Indoor Activities by Good Hostel Schools in India 

Some of the interesting indoor educational activities that your boarding school can organize next weekend are as follows- 

● Student’s Theatre Production 

Everyone loves to watch dramas or movies in theatres. The good hostel schools in India can plan similar activities this time but in indoor setups. They divide the learners into groups and ask them to prepare small skits for all. Multiple practices, such as prop making and script creation, will keep the students entertained throughout the day. 

● Yoga / Meditation Sessions 

During regular school hours, students need more time to look after their fitness and mental well-being. However, good hostel schools in India can introduce initiatives where they can be serious about their well-being by holding yoga sessions. Instructors can help them relax at stressful times, like during exam sessions, and better focus on their academics.

● Book Clubs 

Hostel schools should encourage students to incorporate the habit of wise reading. Organizing something as noble as a book club not only cultivates curiosity among students but also their thinking ability. Students read the same book in turns and then gather to discuss it. In this way, they learn about different perspectives and work on their critical thinking. 

● Treasure Hunts Indoor 

There are a lot of accessible indoor spaces in your boarding school. So, the authorities can use it for fun events like treasure hunts. The hostel dormitories, classrooms, and other areas can turn into spaces where students of all ages come together for some mind hunts. They, in a team, start to work based on clues. 

● Thematic Movie Nights 

The movie nights are quite regular and not anything exceptional. But you can transform the ordinary into exceptional by making it like an event. Do so by tying movie themes with topics or themes that you are going to learn in the classroom, such as World War 2, the partition of India, etc. Further, you can categorize interesting documentaries with themes like science, technology, and lifestyle. 

Advantages of Indoor Activities at Boarding Schools 

Good hostel schools in India introduce educational indoor activities for several reasons, mainly because 

●       It makes the monotonous life in hostels interesting. 

●       Fun activities help in learning educational concepts but in a different way. 

●       Students get to know about the importance of teamwork, coordination, creativity, etc. 

●       These indoor activities help students to bond with others and widen their friend’s circle. 

●       Creates an inclusive environment for all.  


Can children participate in indoor activities in boarding schools? 

Good hostel schools in India conduct indoor educational activities for all age groups. Children are associated with playful indoor activities, while senior students are more involved in activities like book clubs, trivia, or treasure hunts. So, the boarding schools do organize indoor activities for students, but those are more light-hearted and fun for their age groups. 

Bottom Line

So, good hostel schools in India leave no scope behind to make the everyday life of students interesting and happening. They carry out various activities like a book club, treasure hunt, theatre nights, etc, so that students better bond with others and respect their similarities and differences.


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