hair transplant

How Safe is a Hair Transplant? Risks and Precautions

The idea of undergoing hair restoration seems exciting for individuals who are suffering from receding hairline, bald patches, or severe cases of hair loss.  However, since the hair transplant procedure is a life-changing decision and it needs to be executed by choosing a professional healthcare practitioner, therefore, getting familiar with the risks and precautions related…

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strength training

Strength Training Benefits Beyond Building Muscle

Strength education is often linked with developing muscle mass and enhancing body aesthetics. While these are important benefits, the benefits go a long way beyond physical attractiveness. Habitual power training enhances general fitness promotes mental well-being and lowers the risk of chronic diseases.  It also serves an important role in the promotion of metabolism, increasing…

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Psychiatric rehabilitation certificate program

Can Holistic Healing Transform Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Medical experts increasingly accept holistic healing as an effective approach to treating mental illness. The treatment outcomes from conventional therapies fall short of helping individuals experiencing mental illness. Most therapeutic solutions demand complete evaluation. Long-term recovery benefits from a psych rehab program that unites standard medical solutions with complementary approaches to healing. A program of this…

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biceps tendinopathy

How to treat bicep tendinopathy

Bicep’s tendinopathies are common with athletes. A tendinopathy basically means “problem to a tendon” and englobe different conditions like tendinitis, tendinosis and more. There are different types of bicep tendinopathies but in the article, we will focus on the long head bicep tendinopathy which is the most common. Physiotherapy can help treat this condition The…

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