10 Surprising Causes of Skin Pigmentation You Never Knew About

Dermatologist in Noida

Dark spots or pigmentation on the skin are common in both men and women. However, the good news is that with the help of home remedies and medical treatment, it is possible to get rid of them. You may also want to know what is actually causing them to plan a strategic treatment. Thus, to inform you, this blog will break down the surprising causes of skin pigmentation and where to find the best dermatologist in Noida. So, let’s start!

Shocking Causes of Skin Pigmentation

  • Excessive Heat: Excess heat leads to skin pigmentation. So, try to apply a protective cream to exposed areas before you cook and avoid using the sauna, steam room or hot yoga.
  • Bleaching Skin: Bleaching the skin too often can lead to skin pigmentation. Contrary to popular belief, using facial bleach on a regular basis might promote hyperpigmentation, which occurs when regions of the skin grow darker than the surrounding areas. This is due to the skin’s reaction to the harsh chemicals, which causes enhanced melanin formation in specific places.
  • Hair Colouring: Just like bleaching leads to skin pigmentation, colouring your hair does the same. Because the chemicals present in it can be passed on to your skin as well.
  • Using Bad Skincare Products: Cleansing and toning are of no use if your skincare products are of poor quality, as they can lead to skin pigmentation.
  • Sun Exposure: Excess sun exposure can cause the worst cases of skin pigmentation. Hence, always apply sunscreen lotion with at least 30 SPF before stepping out and also reapply it if necessary.
  • Friction: When there is friction, there is a chance of skin pigmentation. It can be developed easily by the use of nylon loofahs or, in extreme cases, skin rubbing. Moreover, friction can also dry out your skin and make it flaky.
  • Stress: High stress levels increase the number of free radicals in your body. This can aggravate skin pigmentation and cause new spots.
  • Smoking: Excessive Smoking reduces antioxidants, which are responsible for renewing and keeping skin healthy. So, to keep your skin healthy, avoid smoking.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: When you are facing hormonal imbalance, you are more likely to suffer from skin pigmentation. It can also be the result of thyroid disorder, kidney and liver disease, insulin resistance, etc.
  • Perfumed Products: If you have sensitive skin and a history of allergies, you should avoid scented products.

Final Words

It is common to deal with skin pigmentation. However, medical treatments such as chemical peels, laser pigmentation, plasma therapy (vampire facial), and Medi facials can help you get rid of it. Moreover, to start your treatment, you can end your research on the best clinic for Pigmentation Treatment in Noida with SkinLogics Clinic. The doctor performs a thorough skin evaluation to determine the severity of the pigmentation and to evaluate the type of pigmentation one is facing. After a thorough examination, the doctor will provide a customized treatment that best suits the patient’s condition. To avail of the benefits of advanced treatments, consult an expert skin care specialist at SkinLogics Clinic today!


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