Cost Of Higher Education In Canada

In previous years, Canada has risen to popularity because of being one of the topmost chosen higher education destinations for students worldwide. With consistently spending more on education, Canada encourages high standards of advanced education, with several institutions regularly featuring among the top 100 globally.

Since higher education is more serious and one of the most expensive types of education for a student so he should spend money wisely on it. Therefore, you need to know the cost of the entire higher education experience if you choose to study in Canada.

In this post, two factors will be discussed. Firstly the reasons to study in Canada and secondly the cost of higher education in Canada.

Why Study In Canada?

Students prefer to study in Canada for various reasons, as stated below:

Academic Excellence:

Canadian Universities have a long history and reputation because of their good academic performance and high graduate employment rates. There are a lot of Candian universities in completion with the leading and famous universities from UK and US.

Some of the most famous Canadian universities are:

  • University of Toronto – top 30 best universities in Canada in Times Higher Education (THE)
  • The University of British Columbia – top 40 best universities in Canada in THE.
  • McGill University – top 50 best universities in Canada in THE.


Tuition fee in Canada is much more affordable compared to that of universities in the US and UK. You can also apply for scholarships to reduces on your educational expenses. A few of the most affordable universities include:

  • The Memorial University of Newfoundland ? tuition fees: $2,150 ? $11,460 annually
  • University of Regina ? tuition fees: $1,715 ? $20,050 annually

Sufficient Research Opportunities:

One of the main reasons why Canadian higher education stands out is because of its strong focus on research and development. If you are a research scholar, then Canada is the place you should pursue further studies. The Canadian government supports greatly researches regarding the discipline of medicine, telecommunication, technology, environmental science, etc.

Diverse And Compolitan Environment:

Canada has the most ethically and linguistically diverse population. Over 50% of the population there do not speak English as their first language. Canada gets over 120,000 international students each year and these international students come from all sorts of backgrounds ? you will be surrounded by a multicultural environment in classrooms and society. This all makes fitting in rather easy and avoids homesickness.

Peaceful And Safe:

Canada is one of the safest country in the world, with a low crime rate. In terms of social progress and development, Canada has been ranked the second country in the world with a high quality of life. If you are going there for studies you will be on your own. In that situation knowing that you and your possessions are safe, gives a great sense of relief.

Earning While Studying:

In Canada, you are provided with the opportunity to work for 20 hours every week during your semesters and full-time during summer and winter vacations. If a student wants to work on campus or as an intern in a company, he would not need any additional permits as their study permit will be enough to find them any part-time job. That way you can manage your expenses with the earnings.

Cost Of Higher Education

Once you have decided to pursue higher education in Canada. The next thing you need to evaluate is the cost of studying there and below are the costs included in your higher education experience in Canada:

Tuition Fees:

First and foremost you need to know about the tuition fee that you will be paying at your university. In Canada, every university has the liberty to choose how much tuition fees will they charge their students. Their criteria depend on the program the student?s home country, the province, and the degree level.

Undergraduate degree:

An average Canadian student pays less than an international student. The International students pay less for higher education in Canada than they would pay in UK or US ? the average amount being $20,000 undergraduate level.

Engineering and medicine also usually costs more for international students while art and humanities cost less. For studying Business and management you have to pay almost the same as the national students, that being around $20,000.

Postgraduate Degree:

A post-graduate degree can vary in length and be anywhere from 3-6 years. Its annual cost is $7,056 but for some, it can stretch up to $15000.

Where Canadian students are expected to graduate with $27,000 debt based on a 3-year program, an international student will have a debt of $75,540 and more.

Accommodation Cost:

When starting your university, you need some form of accommodation to live in and it is preferable to have that accommodation as near to your university as possible.

There are several options available when it comes to student accommodation in Canada:

  • Homestay ? students living in lodging with their university town
  • University Accommodation ? dormitories
  • Private Accommodation ? a flat rented by students

Some homestay services will charge you an initial placement fee of $200 per month and $1,150 annually. Your university accommodation can cost up to $250-$625 per month, campus meal plans are included. The private shared accommodation is around $250-$700 per month. Keep in mind that the prices of this accommodation can vary depending on the province and the type of apartment you choose to live in.

Academic Help:

As you start your university, You will get a lot of assignments. These assignments will not be easy. You will need academic excellent help from english essay writing service to better understand your essay topics.

For this, you can search up law essay help Canada on google and choose the service that best fits your requirements. These are paid services and therefore will be included in your studying cost of higher education in Canada.

Personal Expenses:

If you are going to study in Canada, your personal expenses are also added to the overall cost of the higher education experience. You need to pay for things like:

  • Clothing, toiletries, groceries laundry, etc. 
  • Price of getting health insurance, phone services healthcare, and medication. All of this can cost you around $2000 per year. 
  • You will also need to buy equipment such as a laptop and a printer. 
  • Apart from paying for your accommodation you also have to pay for things required in your dorm. For example towels, bedsheets, lamps, refrigerators, etc. If you are planning to get a private shared accommodation then prepare to pay for electricity and water bills too.
  • School supplies.
  • You will also pay for the transport. Public transport fares typically cost a few Canadian dollars and monthly passes are between $80-100. You can get a Taxi which costs between $2 and $6 per kilometer. 
  • Last but not least your textbooks, approximately $600  should cover all books needed for an average academic year.


Now that you know Canada is one of the most affordable oprion to get good quality higher education, remember that the cost of your higher education experience depends on the university, its location, and your degree. After you have considered all these factors feel free to make your decision regarding further studies.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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