How Important Is The Role Of Foundational Literacy And Numeracy Skills In School Education!

foundational literacy

Young children tend to learn a lot of skills during their school education phase and one such important set of skills is the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Skills. In short, FLN skills can be termed as the fundamental set of skills a child needs to become academically strong and eventually successful in life as well. This might make you ponder when is the right time for a child to learn and develop these foundational literacy and numeracy skills. What type of teaching methodologies will be effective in order to make any child learn these skills properly? Also, if a child does not get the right kind of exposure to build these skills at the right time, then what might be the other option he or she could have? Many such questions can run on a person’s mind and to be honest, these questions can be really overwhelming because it is a child’s education that we are talking about which is the foundation on which his or her life is going to be built. But to feel overwhelmed cannot help one in finding the solutions rather being proactive and equipping a child with the right resources to acquire the Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Skills will go a long way in his or her life! Let us dig deep into these FLN skills.

Why Are These Skills Needed?

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Skills are so important in any child’s education. As the name suggests, these FLN skills are the fundamental need for any child to excel in life, not just in academics. These skills help in making the foundation stronger upon which a child can easily start building his or her intelligence and knowledge levels. Foundational Literacy and Numeracy skills basically help a child in reading and understanding texts alongside performing basic arithmetic operations. This in simple terms can be deemed as the most important requirement to be satisfied if a child is expected to achieve highly in his or her academics. Understanding the basic branch of mathematics which is arithmetic plays a large role if a child needs to perform well in mathematics throughout his or her education which is not just school but includes college as well.

Apart from mathematics, all other subjects are taught in text format no matter what the language is for which a child should possess really good reading skills. If a child’s reading skill is not up to the mark of the lot that he or she belongs to then the probability is really high that the child might lag behind in academics. This is because if a child is not able to read texts properly then his or her understanding levels are going to be really low which is not good for gaining knowledge through education. This is why Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Skills are considered to be supremely important for a child to grow well in life.

How Will Value Education Help?

In order to effectively teach FLN skills to children, the importance of value education should also be understood. Why so? Value education is not just about scoring spectacular grades but more about learning and equipping oneself with important values to lead a successful life. But how can value education be taught efficiently? For this to happen successfully in a child’s schooling days, it is very much imperative for teachers and even parents to know about what is value education all about. In simple words, value education places more emphasis on how an individual should be, behave, and coexist in society and perform his or her responsibilities well which will not just lead to self-betterment but for that of society as well. This is why alongside teachers even parents should contribute to a child’s value education-seeking process because it is a continual process and does not stick to a particular age timeline.

How Family’s Role Is Significant?

The role of family members is so equally important to that of teachers when it comes to a child acquiring value education. Values get imparted to a child by all elders that he or she lives with, which predominantly involves family members. As already mentioned earlier, value education is more about acquiring values for life than just scoring grades and proving one’s academic prowess on paper. When one understands the importance of value education, he or she will then try to acquire more skills to lead a successful life which also serves as an inspiration to learn Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Skills with high efficiency.

To summarize the importance of Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Skills in a few words, how efficiently a child acquires these skills during his or her early stages of school education which are grades one, two, and three will largely determine how his or her future will shape up. FLN skills not only build a base for a child’s education but extensively for life as well and these skills highly influence a child in learning other important skills such as socializing, communication, and so on. This is why family members and teachers should guide their children systematically and emotionally as well with whatever challenges they might face while acquiring FLN skills.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.