IBDP is a course which is recognized internationally and if you are preparing for IBDP Biology then of course it will be a little challenging but it is worth it being recognized worldwide. Getting a level of 7 is something which every student aspires to achieve from the very beginning of the session.
Level 7 is something which is appreciated in academics and regarded as a decent score. So the main purpose of me here is to guide you through some tips for getting a level 7 in IBDP Biology.
Following are the tips if followed from the starting itself, would surely fetch you a level of 7 in IBDP Biology examination:
1. Attending class lectures:
This is the first tip which I would like to suggest to you. Most of the students hold the view that lectures are not important as they think those topics can be studied by self-study as well. But let me remind you of the fact that these topics are the only topics which we usually miss during the last hours of our preparation because of the lack of time.
So it’s always recommended to students not to skip the class lectures as they will form the basic understanding of almost every topic you have in your syllabus. So even if you miss out some topics for self-study, you probably have made the basic understanding of the same topic while you were attending lectures attentively.
2. Making class notes:
This will be tip number 2. This is the personal recommendation for you to make class notes religiously. This will help you to have an entire syllabus clustered in your own handwriting.
Moreover, when you will be writing down in class at the time of lecture then by writing the same stuff which the teacher is teaching will make the content embedding in your brain stronger. These class notes could prove much helpful at the time of final revision.
3. Solving chapter wise past year question papers:
There are chapter wise past papers questions for covering the already asked question separately from each chapter. These can be used to trace if you are studying the way this exam demands.
If you are able to solve the past year questions at the completion of each chapter then this means you are going good and should consider it as a green flag in your approach of studying the chapters. Here I would recommend that you go and check tribe topper the number one resource for IBDP biology. You will get solved IBDP Question banks and IBDP past papers here.
4. Practicing diagrams and flowcharts:
Diagrams and flowcharts are something which can definitely fetch you more marks when it comes the time of scoring more. When you put diagrams and flowcharts along with some illustrations then it will be more impactful and your answer will look attractive to the eyes of the examiner which subsequently will fetch extra points or marks for you.
Other benefits are these diagrams and flowcharts help you make your concepts more clear. Also it becomes very easy to revise complex topics with the help of diagrams and flowcharts when compared to going through sentences and paragraphs.
5. Using Mind maps and tricks to recall specific topics and examples:
Mind maps are used to make the complex tough topic break into simpler ones. Tricks can also help you remember stuff, especially examples. Mind Maps and tricks are something which are required in subjects like IBDP Biology for most part of it is theoretical. They will help you remember the topic for a longer time.
6. Using whiteboard to practice:
Yes this is the technique which is proven by many scholars that a concept when written in bold and big letters over and over again then our mind captures it from a greater speed. This may help you in retaining the concepts for much longer periods. You may use this whiteboard on the top of your study table so that you may recall whenever you look at those written stuffs in whiteboard.
7. Practicing mock papers at the completion of your syllabus:
Practicing Mocks as more as possible would help you land safely at your destination of grabbing a level of 7. This can prove a real game changer of the entire year of preparation. This is the field where you practice to actually prove how dedicated you were at your studies.
But one thing which you must keep in your mind while doing mocks is you should always give mocks in time bound scenario. Practicing mock without time limit would help you land nowhere. It is because the actual role of mocks is to prepare you answer all the questions asked in the exam in the allotted time only. Tribe topper also provides mock papers for you to practice better
These 7 tips are the golden points which when followed with dedication will surely help you grab a level of 7 or even more than that. Hope you will follow these tips and would rock your IBDP Biology paper.

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