Top 10 Free Online Google Digital Marketing Course With Certificate?

Do you know that the world’s most famous search engine and major digital marketing resource is Google? And it offers free courses? In fact, Google has more than 125 free online Google digital marketing certificate courses available.

Top 10 Online Google Digital Marketing Program

If you also want to make a career in digital marketing, then you can learn from Google Digital Unlocked Course.

1. Fundamentals of digital marketing

This is one of the top digital marketing courses of Google. There are 26 modules in this course. And you can complete it in 40 hours. This is a very beneficial course for anyone who is interested or wants to enter Digital Marketing ( Digital Marketing Course in Rohini ).

This is a course recognized by the Open University of Europe. It has been made by the expert of Google.

From this course, you can learn some top digital marketing skills such as analytics and data insights, business strategy & content marketing, display advertising, e-commerce, email marketing, mobile marketing, and search engine, etc.

2 . Promoting business with content

Content is considered king in the blog world. Content is a king If your content is good. Then you will be able to grow your blog well, content has a very important role for a blog and website. With the help of content, you can grow your business.

This course will tell you about content marketing like how to grow business through video, text, social media. This course is more than 3 hours with 4 modules. In this get Noticed with social media, Deep dive into Social Media You will find many videos which have been made by a google expert.

3. Promoting business with online advertising

This course is in 5 modules and is a course of more than 3 hours duration. In this, you will be taught about how to create a successful advertising and marketing strategy. All this you can create for your blog or website or employer.

Its key skills are such as – local marketing, business strategy, economy, email marketing, social media, video display advertising, search engine optimization, search engine marketing. This course is a better option for people with new and medium skills.

4. Search Engine Optimization Fundamentals

This course has been developed by the University of California. It is being promoted by Coursera. In this course of 13 hours, we will complete basic SEO (SEO Course in Delhi) techniques and understand the impact on search engine algorithms and organic search.

This course also develops your SEO strategy, keywords selection, search patterns, and behavior. This course has 4 modules and this course has been created by Google Trainer in California University.

SEO is a complex part of digital marketing and it plays a vital role in the success of any digital marketing campaign. This course is great for SEO beginners as it makes you specialized in SEO.

5. Send a professional email.

Email marketing is a part of digital marketing, regardless of whether you are running your own blog or website or not. Most people consider email marketing to be a defective or unnecessary part of digital marketing. Is.

Actually, people are willing to participate with their email id but if they get some interesting information then. This course has a single module only a 1-hour video course. In this short course, you will learn different skills of emails like email writing types of email writing, etc. Automatic response, email engagement and email template, and much more. Is.

6. Plan effective meeting

Digital marketing skills This is one of the important skills which are taught to you through effective meetings in webinar marketing. It is a simple and 1-hour course. Where you can have effective sales and marketing meetings, online training, and live using video conferencing platforms. Acquire the skill by planning presentations and promotions.

This is a one-hour course in a single video. However, do not underestimate the power of this course, during covid 19 or after that, the importance of online classes has increased in the world now.

7. Understand customer needs and online behavior.

As it is known from the heading, this course is to monitor customer and customer habits by Google. This is a basic course on data analysis. This introductory course consists of 3 modules in one hour with video tutorials. The tips at the end of the course are also easy to use.

How to convert data into analytics and use it successfully. This is all learned from the beginning. For every digital marketer, Data analytics helps them understand the success and failure of their online campaigns and online advertising. Which helps in increasing the business.

8. Connect to the customer on mobile

It consists of 2 modules in 1 hour of study time in online digital marketing courses with a certificate from Google. In this short duration course, advertisement on mobile, search campaigns for mobile, display campaigns for mobile, and video for mobile. and mobile devices, the mobile web also helps to understand the mobile application.

Video tutorials are the easiest way to understand Implementation and Assessments. This course is very important for digital marketers. People who want to learn. How To Grow Your Business. Generate Leads. And Convert Customers Using a Simple Mobile Process. Google Certificate Of This Course

does not provide.

9. How to grow and protect your online campaign.

12 modules have been given in this 7-hour course. This course helps you to learn MOC (Management Of Online Campaign) while keeping your knowledge safe. It teaches the use of various tools and resources. In this video, we will know to Learn how to use online platforms to reach and connect with your audience.

10. Marketing in Digital World

This course is developed by the University of Illinois. And it is promoted by Coursera. This is a 30-hour course with 4 modules. You use digital tools for marketing business like smartphones, Computers with this

Three-Dimensional 3D Printing Techniques All these matter a lot.


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