Hair Transplant

    hair transplant

    Hair transplant is considered to be the permanent solution to baldness

    Hair transplantation can be defined as a micro surgical intervention performed in a hospital environment.

    The concept of “Micro surgical intervention” implies that the hair transplant procedure is less cumbersome and less restrictive than conventional surgery.

    Hair transplantation is an effective and permanent solution to baldness in men but also in cases of androgenetic alopecia

    Apart from that, this operation can be performed on people with scars or different diseases causing hair loss.

    Hair transplant by FUE

    Hair transplantation has come a long, long way from its earliest days, but it wasn’t until the mid-90s that hair transplantation began to take shape, with techniques that are practiced today in the whole world.

    Hair transplants performed with the FUT technique during the 90s were replaced by the FUE method, developed in the early 2000s and introduced in 2005.

    Even though the technique has been continuously perfected, the basic principles of FUE remain the same.

    Today, the technique continues to be considered the gold standard of hair transplant surgery.

    Currently the most advanced technique in hair transplantation is the FUE technique.

    Today hair loss sufferers can be satisfied with natural looking hair with the latest modern FUE technology, the masterpieces of hair restoration. hair transplant in islamabad

    The main difference of the FUE technique for hair transplant is that it does not leave any scars and its recovery time is shorter.

    The success of operations has also increased due to advancements in medical devices used in the FUE technique.

    The FUE technique can be performed with a variety of different instruments. As a result, the technique is known with a few different names, such as:

    Classic FUE: by micromotor

    FUE by robotics

    The DHI technique (with CHOI implanters)

    Sapphire FUE (FUE with sapphire blades)

    For example, the FUE hair transplant technique with the use of sapphire blades is an important technique that allows the transplantation of a large number of hair follicles in one session.

    The difference between cllastic FUE and sapphire FUE can be explained by the fact that open channels with sapphire, which is a much smoother material, heals much faster and leaves less scar.

    The DHI method also achieves a higher hair density

    With this hair transplant technique using Choi needles, natural and satisfying results can be achieved.

    A completely painless method in hair transplantation

    A completely painless method in hair transplantation

    Thanks to the use of sedation administered under the direct supervision of our anesthesiologist, you will no longer feel any pain when administering local anesthesia before hair transplantation. As a result, you will have a more comfortable and painless hair transplant experience. Even though hair transplants are generally considered to be painless procedures, this new method will help our patients with needle phobia feel comfortable, allowing them to relax during the procedure. The pain level that was currently at a minimum is now completely eliminated. best hospital in islamabad

    What is sedation?

    Sedation is the act of producing a state of calm or sleep under controlled drug administration, controlling the depth of sedation with the types of drugs used and the amount given according to each patient’s needs.

    Should I be sedated?

    Sedation is effective and a completely safe procedure even in young children and, as we have already mentioned, it ensures the patient has a painless hair transplant. That being said, we continue to offer sedation-free hair transplant procedures to patients who prefer not to receive sedation.

    The Hair Transplant Process

    All of the techniques used in hair transplantation share the same basic principles. These principles are:

    1. The extraction of hair grafts

    2. The opening of the channels

    3. The implantation of the grafts in the channels

    Extraction of hair follicles

    It is a feature of FUE that helps collect hair follicles with an extremely high aesthetic success rate.

    With the FUE method, the follicles are harvested one by one with cylindrical needles.

    This way, the follicles can be harvested with minimal distortion.


    As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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