5 Healthy Aging Recommendations for Body Health

healthy aging

Ageing is a natural process. People are in possession of numerous ways which can either help prolong their live healthy aging or otherwise. According to the research that has been conducted on elderly people, it is revealed that slight alterations could enhance one’s health. In this article, I would like to provide you with several simple recommendations and pieces of advice on how to age healthily. 

Stay Physically Active 

This helps therefore considered one of the best ways through which people can maintain good health over any given period, particularly when they have reached certain age. It assists in the promoting of the health of the bones and muscles which begin to deteriorate with the onset of mid aging period. Some past research has also indicated that exercise came also help to enhance your psychological health for the prevention of: 

• heart disease and high blood pressure 

• joint and back pain 

• osteoporosis 

The followings are some of the advice that you should consider: 

• 150 minutes (two and a half hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity every week. Your breath should also be faster than usual and so should your pulse but you should still be able to speak. 

• provides resource for muscle building exercises, flexibility and at least twice in a week. Some of the exercises include Pilates, swimming, gardening and lifting shopping bag among others. If you do not exercise at the moment, begin with some easy movements such as walking, and then you can gradually increase the intensity of exercise. 

Practice Balancing

We are aware that for any type of individual or for a general well-being of a person, a little or even considerable amount of physical exercise is beneficial. Surprisingly, you may not only have to do exercises that are going to help improve your balance as well. This leads to an ability of balance to deteriorate with age as a potential result of life predetermination. This element may also contribute to the occurrence of injuries from falls. The great thing is that in terms of physical fitness is that exercising exercises that enhance balance especially age of seventy and above physical fitness improves. 

Examples of balancing exercises include: 

•Balancing the amount on one leg for 10 seconds at times 

• Performing practice exercise in which you stand with the heels lifted off the ground. With that said, you might have to lean on a chair, or better still wall for some time as your balance develops.

Moderation In Food

Do practice moderation in food consumption by taking foods that are nutritional and controlled portioned. This paper focuses on describing the fact that some of our body nutrients may vary as we age. And may be require to change the eating habits occasionally to cater for the body’s needs in order to perform well. It is important when growing old that one does not compromise on their diet and instead takes food that is nutritious. It can also reduce one’s chances of contracting wide range of conditions including cardiovascular diseases as well as some forms of cancer. A proper nutrition should have many vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, and good fats and lean meats. This paper will explore the common age-related changes that affect the human body, some of which include weight gain and loss of muscle mass. It is also necessary to take care of portion control and expend the calorie that is taken in through the foods and beverages. Being conscious of what you take into your body and the quantity of it is another way to change towards a healthier lifestyle & also able to deal with family matters effectively. Such priorities may include abstaining from the use of tobacco substances and reduced alcohol intake for both the short-term and the long-term health goals. 

Get Quality Sleep 

Sleep can be described as the time when the body relaxes and recovers from the day’s activities. Good quality sleep is also very crucial in improving the functionality of the body apart from relaxing your spirit and soul. Even if you are not aware of it, you may fall under the group of individuals who have problems with sleep as they get old. The alteration of some of these elements or habits such as sleeping may lead to the difference in the definition. Negatively, if you sleep poorly then you are likely to have an impaired mental health, mental and physical health performance and overall quality of living. It also rises your chances of accidental occurrences.

Here are some tips that may be used as guidelines in order to enhance the possibility of getting a good sleep…

• Establish a regular sleep routine. It is recommended to maintain regular sleep-wake schedule, try to sleep and wake up at the same time. 

• Sleeping environment should be well lit free, clean and warm, free from internal and external interferences. 

• Such stimulants as caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol should be avoided in the evening. 

• There should not be any mobile phones, TV, computers, and other screens in the bedroom. 

• Engaging in exercises is an excellent way of improving the chances of falling asleep quickly and attaining sound sleep. 

Stay Active the Whole Day 

With age, there is some deterioration of cognitive skills and abilities, for instance, memory. Our brain may be slower in the way that it handles and stores information. Developing these changes as one age in normal and will contribute to the improvement of one’s status.


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