Advice from Houston 18-wheeler accident lawyers: Should you settle outside or go for trial in truck accident cases

houston truck accident lawyers

Truck accidents are one of the most devastating phenomena for common people on the road. If you have been hurt by a serious truck accident, you have two options. You can either choose to settle outside the court with an agreed compensation price from all the parties involved or you can go for a legal trial. In both the cases, you need the expertise and skill of Houston 18-wheeler accident lawyersto help you get maximum compensation.

Choosing one of the two options is confusing, so this blog explores pros and cons of both the options. After knowing the positives and negatives of available options, you can choose the one that is best suited for you.

Settling outside the court:

In a truck accident case, multiple parties are involved like the driver, the truck owning company, insurers of all the parties and you. Reaching an agreed compensation amount which satisfies everyone’s interest is difficult.


1. Less time consuming:

    Legal trials can go on for months and sometimes for years. The financial and mental suffering of a never-ending legal trial is evident. Choosing to settle the claims outside of the court is less time-consuming. It does not involve legal complexities or formal procedures, so can be settled fast. Resolving the issues outside is an informal set up leading to faster resolution and giving closure to all the parties involved sooner than a legal trial.

    2. Cost effective:

      Legal trials not only cost you time but also is expensive. Legal fees, court expenses, missed workdays and fees of Houston 18-wheeler accident lawyers make the trial process a lot more costly than settling outside. Choosing to settle outside the court can cost you a lot of money, and hence may be a better option to go for when you look at the net compensation you get.

      3. Privacy:

      Legal trials are taken place publicly which may be a concern for some individuals or companies. Companies do not want to damage their reputation publicly, so settling outside seems like a good option as it is a private affair among the parties involved.


      1. Lower compensation:

        Legal trials offer more compensation to the victim if they win the case. So, settling the case outside may mean settling for lower compensation. On the other hand, the truck owning companies and insurers may have to pay more amount than they would have in case they win the case. No matter the side, settling outside is a disadvantage to the party which has higher chances to win the case.

        2. Limited legal recourse:

          Settling outside is the final choice. Once the case is settled, you cannot go for further legal action for the same accident. It limits your choice of action in case new information and evidence arises.

          Seeking justice in a court:

          Choosing this option without Houston 18-wheeler accident lawyersis like getting medical treatment without doctors. In case, you want to opt for legal trials in the court, it is crucial to hire an experienced truck accident lawyer who has won similar cases before.


          1. Higher compensation amount:

            As mentioned earlier, winning the trial can give you more compensation than what you would get if you settled outside. If you are utmost sure about winning the case, you should go for legal trials. But before choosing this option, you should have enough strong evidence against the other parties. While taking a decision, you should ask for expert opinion from Houston 18-wheeler accident lawyers.

            1. Legal precedent:

              Serious truck accidents are becoming common on the road. Your case may set any legal precedents which can benefit future victims of similar cases. If the verdict is phenomenal and in favor of the victim; it can set an example for other negligent truck drivers or owners.

              Transparency in evidence presentation:

              Legal trials ensure transparency and fairness in evidence presentation. It gives same space to all the parties to present evidence in their favor which leads to a unbiased trial.


              1. Higher cost:

                As mentioned earlier, legal trials are expensive. It involves court fees, legal fees, collecting and printing various documents and fees of the Houston 18-wheeler accident lawyers. Besides, going to legal trials for months can cause a lot of missed workdays leading to income loss. Also, including the travel, food and other expenses, the cost of the legal trials can be very high. The most heartbreaking factor is that if you lose the case, you have nothing to get while you have lost so much in terms of money. So, if you are unsure about winning the case, it is better to settle outside.

                2. Time-consuming:

                  Legal trials are lengthy and can continue for months or years. The prolonged legal battle can drain all the parties involved both emotionally and financially.

                  Bottom line:

                  Knowing both the positives and negatives of available options can give you a full and clear picture of which choice can be the best for you. Hire one of the best Houston 18-wheeler accident lawyersin your area to study the case properly. Take his expert opinion and choose the path best suited for you.


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