How to Identify High-Quality Labradorite: A Buyer’s Guide

labradorite crystal

Labradorite gemstone attracts viewers because it is very beautiful as per its looks. Along with its looks, it also has admirable qualities such as its transformative properties.

Thus, when buying such expensive gemstones it is important to know about them in advance so that you get value for what you pay. In this blog, you can get all the information about it; it will act as a buyer’s guide about how to identify high-quality labradorites.

From here you can learn about the difference between the original and lower-grade gemstones of this kind. And will not end up buying a synthetic gemstone by learning about the main characteristics of labradorite crystal.

What are Labradorite Gemstones?

Labradorite gemstones are also called stones of magic. These are composed naturally and consist of calcium and sodium as their primary ingredients.

The gemstone is known for its feature called labradorescence, that is, it reflects light and one can be vibrant shades of blue, gold, and green. It refracts light because of its inner patterns to produce these colors.

It produces beautiful hues of colors that tell about its originality. Other gemstones with similar structures are Moonstone Gemstone and Spectrolite.

If you want to know more about labradorite gemstones you can also read: Harnessing the Energy of Labradorite: Metaphysical Properties and Uses.

Characteristics of High-Quality Labradorite Gemstones

Getting hands-on with the right gemstone is not easy these days as there are so many synthetic ones out there. Thus, here is a guide for you to recognize the high-quality labradorite crystals to provide you with the maximum benefits the gemstone offers.

Phenomenon: Labradorescence

It is the most important factor to test before saying anything about the gemstone’s originality. High-quality gemstones of this variety show vibrant play of colors when seen from different angles in light.

The best quality gemstones will have a rich spectrum of colors to show, such as deep blues, orange, green, and gold.

Transparency and Clarity

When buying a labradorite gemstone it is important to see it closely to know about its quality. These are semi-transparent to opaque with lesser blemishes. Have a closer look at the stone in light to know about its grade.

Clear gemstones allow better penetration of light and it is more valuable.

Depth of the Color

Always look for deep saturated colors when buying a labradorite gemstone as washed-out or light gemstones are of lower quality. Go for crystals that have vibrant hues of color.

Feels Cool When Touched

Original labradorite gemstone is always cool to the touch if kept at room temperature, this quality indicates its originality. You can easily distinguish between original and synthetic gemstones using this trick.

The synthetic gemstones are made up of resin or plastic and it remains warm at room temperature. And the original ones are composed of calcium and sodium which remains cool.

View it Under UV Light

To become 100% sure about the gemstone that you are about to buy, view it under ultraviolet light. Good quality labradorite crystals do not glow under it. However, the synthetic ones tend to glow because of polymers and resins.

Test the labradorite crystal under black light to be sure about the quality of the gemstone you are buying and investing your money in.

Smooth Surface Finish

Always go for well-polished and smooth gemstone as it will have no scratches. And smooth surface finish also lets you examine the gemstone better before buying them.

Weight and Density

Labradorite gemstones are known to feel heavier if compared to their size because it has a gravity of 2.7 to 2.8. For comparison, you can weigh similar-sized gemstones and see which is heavier. Its weight is directly proportional to its quality.


For identification of the original labradorite gemstone one needs to be very careful. Thus, it is important to understand the characteristics of this gemstone in detail.

One can focus on its qualities like color depth, clarity, weight, and many more to determine its quality. Getting the best-quality gemstone always benefits the wearer thus always be careful while buying one.


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