Regardless of the weather, it always feels good to be able to spend some spare time in the outdoors of your home. However, to enjoy your outdoor areas to the fullest, it is necessary that you have substantial outdoor furniture to fulfill those needs.
An outdoor umbrella is one of the most essential elements you need in your outdoor area. The presence of an umbrella in your outdoors will help you in staying protected from harsh UV rays and heat coming from the sun. It also means you?ll be sheltered from the rain in winter too. In addition to acting as weather protection, outdoor umbrellas also add to the aesthetics of the patio or backyard of your home with their popping colours and beautiful designs.
It also provides you with the feeling of lounging experience at a premium resort or hotel on a good summer day. Not only that, these umbrellas can also serve for decorative purposes during night time as well. You just have to integrate lights with your umbrellas and you will witness amazing glowing structures that will create a dramatic effect during your get-togethers at night.
However, all of this is only possible, when your outdoor umbrellas are kept in good condition. We?ve put together some easy ways you can give your outdoor umbrellas a little more TLC:
- Keep an eye out for stains on the outer surface of the umbrella in your outdoors. Clean leaves and bird droppings with the help of brush and detergent to remove stains and debris immediately. Use warm water for this purpose and after cleaning umbrellas place them in a spot where they can dry quickly. Try to look for umbrellas with fabrics that are highly durable, stain-resistant, and somehow waterproof to use umbrellas for a longer time.
- You don?t always need umbrellas in your outdoors, the best way to keep them usable for a longer span is storing umbrellas at a safe and dry place when they are not in use. Umbrellas for domestic use are not capable of bearing high winds, therefore it is better to store them indoors for later use. You can buy umbrella protection covers of multiple sizes to store your umbrellas and protect them from a number of elements.
- To keep umbrellas in a perfect shape, it is recommended there is no need to use abrasive cleaners as these cleaners will destroy the finish of fabric and frame of umbrella. SImilarly, don?t try to force open or close your umbrellas as it will damage the canopy or frame of your umbrella. For additional protection, you can apply scotch guard to the fabric of the umbrella that will keep it safe and protected from the elements.
- Make sure that your umbrella is stable on the ground with a secure base. You should use a recommended base or anchoring system to support the frame of the umbrella for stability. Doing this will keep your umbrella at its place in normal conditions.
- Clean umbrella metal frame with warm water and mild soap to keep it in perfect shape and make it look brand new. In case of timber frames, make sure to check the instructions given by manufacturers before cleaning it.

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