Ever since the pandemic started, the world has adopted new platforms and methods in their daily operations. The global crises have completely distorted the economies of nations and have severely damaged the employment opportunities in the job market. It has even made great changes to the environment of the collaborative office space in Dubai, as many business activities are now run according to corona prevention rules. While following all the standard operating procedures set by the world health organization and respective government health bodies, many processes of carrying out businesses have changed globally. Considering the precautionary measures of social distancing, many companies around the world have approached work from home methodology during the lockdown. The world is fighting against this epidemic disease by doing physical distance, wearing masks, applying sanitation, and washing hands constantly. Now even though few countries have declared them corona free, this war against pandemic has still not ended till now, as many are still fighting this battle.
Co-Working Space in Dubai during Pandemic
The government of Dubai quickly responded to the outbreak of this severe deadly disease in a positive manner. They acted smartly at the initial stage and developed strategic decisions to reach out to the audience by following the guidelines set by the World Health Organization (WHO). Dubai authorities even assured businesses in the UAE of essential pivotal steps to combat and minimize the risk of potential loss. Apart from that, the businesses in the UAE have been given generous support from the government by reducing their cost of functions during this time. Furthermore, they have shown great effort to promote small enterprises in trade, import, export, investment, and other fields as well.
Wearing masks and using hand sanitizer
So one of the important precautionary measures emphasized by the world health organization is wearing masks in public. It does not only save the person from catching the virus but also stops an infected person from transmitting it to others. Moreover, the constant use of hand sanitizer kills all germs on hands, with deep disinfection of the office environment, office furniture will stop any possible virus transmission. Disinfectant portals are installed at the entrance gate and infrared thermometers are used for checking the temperatures at the opening door.
Social Distancing in the Work Space
Since the start of the global outbreak, many employees of different companies have been working from home. However, the employees are allowed to work in the office only by following the conditions set by the World Health Organization. A social distance of 6 feet is required among all desks, and now even unique offices are constructed keeping the idea of social distancing. A proper ventilation system for fresh air will further stop the virus from spreading through the atmosphere.
Communicating through contactless technology
The only quintessential measure required in this hour-long need is contactless interactions between individuals in workspaces. Technology has played an important role in this regard as well. Online audio calls and visual representations have now been adopted by all phases of people. Automated doors using motion sensors and facial recognition are implanted at offices. From making coffee to having water all are done with contactless interactions. Even now lifts are open and electronics are used with the help of wifi connection.
Use of Signs for creating awareness
Have signboards, banners, and stickers at the office to create awareness among the staff about regulatory measures. This step will subconsciously build responsibility among the crowd and they will automatically influence the crowd?s mind to follow all the rules and regulations for their safety. The office furniture should fit in a one-way direction so that people could walk clockwise for a better flow of systematic working without any intervention of possible transmission.
Coronavirus has stopped many potential projects of corporations and has changed the view of business for their future. Many organizations are still hesitant to start working at offices again, but in upcoming days the idea of collaborative workspace in Dubai will revive again at its peak. Lastly, the offices will be changed for a better healthier, safer environment for employees and the policies will be set in a better way to tackle any possible global emergency in the best possible way for their workers.

As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.