In this article we will be talking about what happens after IOS mobile app development. The process just stops there? You hire an IOS app developer, give the task to develop an app, and that’s just it? Or are there other things you need to do after making an app? The answer is ? no; the process does not end here. You need to optimize your app in the app store, which we refer to as “ASO.”
Now, what is this ASO? The abbreviation stands for App Store Optimization. This technique is used when you need to boost the visibility of your app on the Apple Store or Google play store. And we all should know why we optimize our apps or website ? to make them rank higher on the search results. Right!
You know what? It’s similar to what we call Search Engine Optimization. That’s why it is also referred to as App store SEO. It is an important factor for IOS mobile app development and marketing as it is obvious that everybody wants their app to get the maximum attention.
Suppose you want to make your online business successful and are trying to increase your mobile app downloads. In that case, you may need guidance or professional help from an IOS app development agency. However, reading this guide would give you an idea of what you might need to work on.
What does ASO actually mean?
When we already know what ASO stands for! Coming to the main concern, what does it do? It helps your app rank higher in the app store to attract viewers. Remember when I said it’s just like an SEO! Businesses and websites compete with each other to get a higher rank on the Google search engine result page. ASO works just the same!
It’s like a cycle; you get the maximum visibility ? the page traffic increases more and more ? and ultimately, if your app is good enough, people start downloading it. So, the more you get a higher position on the app store, the more visibility increases.
Techniques to optimize your app on the app store
Here are some of the important techniques to make your app rank higher in the app store.
Your app’s name
The most crucial thing in your app name is the keyword you utilize. Keywords have the utmost importance according to the App Store algorithm. Make sure to include the strongest keyword for the highest visibility but be certain that it is not more than 30 characters.
As I said about the keyword, your title is important too (of course, you use a keyword in it) for optimization. It influences app store algorithms! The words in your title are considered supreme, so be mindful of your comments. It should be so that it could give you an idea about what your app is about or what it does.
Please find the most relevant keywords and incorporate them in your title, but they do not necessarily have to be included in the subtitle. Also, you know the size limit (30 characters); use it all. Make sure the starting characters make sense!
The subtitle
For this fact, the IOS app development company instituted an extra keyword indexing line to applications metadata. The subtitle keywords contain so much potential given by the app store algorithm. It is suggested that you should use all the 30 characters with relevant keywords defining the app.
Moreover, updating your subtitle won’t be a problem if you have an iTunes Connect account. Since keywords are the most important factor in search algorithms, they will be helpful in the discoverability of your app and boost your impression. Make your subtitle useful as it could convey a better concept of what your app is about and make people convert.
Promotional statement
Just for the information ? according to Apple’s algorithm, the promotional statement you incorporate is not indexed and wouldn’t even influence your app’s ranking. Fortunately, it has the power to influence people’s decision to download your app. You can include the promotional text in Apps metadata when you are done with everything in your IOS app development.
Although the promotional text doesn’t impact the app’s ranking, it is recommended that you must use strong and relevant keywords in the text for better SEO. keep in mind that it should be around 170 characters and define the best features or anything important you want to highlight in front of your audience.
You can see in the second picture how creatively they have written their promotional text to attract users.
App description
Just like the promotional text, descriptions are not that of a value in Apple Stores algorithm. But as I said above, adding useful keywords to optimize your iTunes app page would be helpful.
Yes! Writing a good description can be a bit tough and time-consuming, but it might help you with attracting Apple app store users to download the app. Make sure your content is simple and clear! Use blocks points and line breaks; the sentences should be short, and make your paragraphs short. Simply put, the content must have high readability, and people can understand it easily.
App icon
Be considerate about your app’s icon! See if it’s correctly crafted because you wouldn’t want people to turn just by looking at it. Don’t let that get into the course of your click-through rate (CTA) and conversion rate. However, remember that it should be original and elaborative without being too detailed.
Make sure everything is on point! Also, you need to understand that your app’s icon is the biggest factor in making a good impression. It should be well thought off and creatively designed if you are adding graphics. However, if it’s too time-consuming for you to do it yourself, use IOS app development services to get better results.
For a better impression, you can do one more thing ? try to be up-to-date with your icon for every occasion; if it’s “Halloween,” update it by using a Halloween theme. Show people that you haven’t neglected your app even once. Just like “Facebook” updated theirs for the occasion.
Include screenshots
We are aware that people nowadays have very busy schedules. They won’t prefer reading your written content over visual explanation. So, including screenshots would be a good idea to attract people to download your app. Through screenshots, you can display your best features, and they will be looking at what your app feels.
Pro tip: beneath every screenshot, it might be helpful to add a short description to define the feature for people. So that people would know what they are looking at when they see a screenshot.
App versions
It is always considered good to update your app regularly. It makes a great impression if I say it from the user’s perspective. Well, it is suggested that you should update your app every 4 to 6 weeks. It includes optimizing apps’ existing features, fixing bugs, and launching the latest features.
Read More! How to Start IOS App Development on Windows?
When it comes to IOS app development, according to the algorithms, apps that are updated regularly are better than those that have not been updated for a long time. Moreover, it is better to get your App Store Optimization revised from time to time by refreshing the visuals and updating the keywords.
Bottom line
So, you see? Your task doesn’t just stop on the IOS app development. Well, it is just getting started! Development is one thing; after that, you need to ensure your app displays in front of people. You can do it via the process “ASO.”
App Store Optimization ? It’s the same as optimizing your websites through SEO techniques. Your apps and pages must also be optimized if you want them to show higher in the search engine results. That’s why I have listed some of the important techniques to optimize your app. Because when you know the concept, you can do it better rather than wandering here and there without knowing anything.

As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.