For seniors and patients who take two or more medicines, it should be a standard part of their medication regimen, to review all the medicines they take! With a change in their health, their medicines also need to be reviewed and might need to be even changed, as medicine overload can cause harmful side effects….

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      How To File An Equal Pay Discrimination Claim

       According to the California Equal Pay Act (EPA), an employer cannot refrain from paying an employee less than others of the opposite sex, race, or due to ethnicity for equal work, where the skills, responsibility, and efforts put have been subjected to the same working conditions. Discrimination based on unequal pay has continued to be…

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      eCommerce website

        How to build an eCommerce website like Amazon

        The rise of eCommerce businesses has affected traditional market sales. Online marketplaces like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, and others dominate the market due to ease of access, reduced cost, service quality and delivery.  They utilize modern technology to make online shopping much easier for consumers. Lots of payment options, mobile applications and the latest technical features…

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