If you’re looking for a good reason to get a credit card, you’re not alone. With so many credit cards on the market, it’s only natural to want to choose the one that best fits your needs. While it is acceptable to seek one for no reason, keep in mind that a revolving line of credit, such as a Credit Card, comes with significant responsibility. Let us now look at the five reasons why you need to get an SBI Credit Card.
Highest Savings on Online Shopping
We’ve all found different ways to deal with the anxiety that this pandemic has caused. Some people find peace by brewing Dalgona coffee, cooking a meal, and catching up with long-lost friends via video calls, while others relax and enjoy by involving in some good retail therapy. The SBI SimplyCLICK Credit Card is perfect for internet users because it offers 10X reward points on purchases made through exclusive partners such as Amazon, BookMyShow, UrbanCompany, and others. In addition, for all other purchases, you will receive one reward point for every Rs. 100 spent.
Moreover, for online yearly spending surpasses Rs. 1 lakh, you will receive Rs. 2,000 e-vouchers. The annual fee for the card is only Rs. 499, but if you purchase more than Rs. 1 lakh, the money is waived. It also has Rs. 499 membership charge, but that is offset by the Rs. 500 in Amazon e-gift cards you receive when you sign up.
Mega Discount on Groceries
These SBI Credit Cards have your back whether you’re shopping for groceries in-person or online at department stores:
SBI SimplySAVE Card: Provides you with up to 10X bonus points on purchases made in grocery stores, department stores, and other places. Also when you spend over Rs. 1 lakh in a year, your annual fee is immediately waived.
SBI Prime Credit Card: Offers 10 points for groceries and department stores and 15 points for every Rs. 100 paid at BigBasket. Additionally, if you pay more than Rs. 3 lakhs in a year, your annual charge is waived.
SBI ELITE Credit Card: For every Rs. 100 you spend on grocery and retail purchases with your SBI Card ELITE, you receive 5 points. The annual charge for this premium card is also eliminated if you spend more than Rs. 10 lakhs in a single year.
Free Fuel
The BPCL SBI Credit Card?makes refueling your vehicle during trips for groceries or other necessities more affordable by providing you with up to 70 liters of free fuel per year when you refill at Bharat Petroleum stations. Also, you’ll receive a monthly fuel surcharge waiver of Rs. 100, saving you Rs. 1,200 annually.
You will also receive 5X points for every Rs. 100 you spend at department stores, standing orders on utility bill payments, restaurants, movies, and other purchases with this card. You will receive one point for every Rs. 100 spent on all other non-fuel retail purchases. The annual cost of this card is Rs. 499. Additionally, there is a Rs. 499 joining charge which will be countered by the 2,000 reward points (equivalent to Rs. 500), which you will receive when you pay the membership cost.
Gift cards from many well-known retailers, including Amazon (4% discount) and Flipkart (4% discount), are discounted with the SBI Credit Card. This is a good decision by SBI Card, considering that you often do not receive discount advantages on Amazon and Flipkart vouchers. You can also acquire entertainment gift cards from leading brands like Sony Liv and many other sellers at a high discount rate of 25% in addition to Amazon and Flipkart.

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