Why Is PHP And Laravel The Perfect Partner For Your Website Development?


Are you planning to set up a new project using PHP frameworks? If so, then you’re at the right place. But for that, you need to read this further.

The entire IT industry’s indeed parameter for businesses is web development. Yes, you heard it right! Whether you are a newbie or enterprise-level business, no one can be independent of digital identity. And that is what is fulfilled by the decent web app development conducted using modern frameworks such as Laravel and programming languages like PHP.

PHP is a server-side, general-purpose scripting language. Using the capabilities of PHP, you can develop powerful and dynamic websites. It is one of the best programming languages that is widely used across the globe as it provides various frameworks to build web applications easily and quickly. It is easily deployed on any web server or operating system. 

Are you still wondering why to choose PHP for web development? If so, then you can clearly see in the stats that show Laravel is the top and leading PHP framework in 2021 and beyond.

Among all PHP frameworks, Laravel is the top choice preferred by developers and clients for web application development due to its out-of-the-box features and easy-going nature. We have mentioned Laravel here not because it is the latest framework, but because companies are not able to find something that can defeat Laravel. Yes, Laravel beats every arena of being smart and making the task of a PHP developer easy.?

For PHP developers it becomes a challenging task to choose their framework. One has to get used to the developing interface and the tools they offer. With vast experience and expertise in working with Laravel web development projects, we’re here to share some useful insights to choose Laravel as your preferred framework for website development. So without any further ado, let’s get started!

What makes Laravel framework an ideal choice for PHP web development?

1. Blade Template Engine

Laravel uses a Blade template engine which is a simple yet powerful engine that allows you to use templating engines and makes the syntax simple. If you compare Blade Template with other PHP templating, then Blade template is the clear winner as it does not limit you from using plain PHP code and adds zero overhead to your web application. Its files use a .blade.php file extension stored in the views directory. Despite this, it also offers some convenient shortcuts for performing basic PHP operations and features like displaying data and template inheritance that helps you to add flexibility to the process of web development. 

The Blade templating engine has its own pattern that includes various loops and conditional statements. One of the best benefits of using the blade template engine in Laravel is that it allows you to create a master template that can be used by other individual pages. Developers can also define various sectors, manage loops, and extend views.

2. Laravel MVC Architecture

Laravel is an MVC-based PHP framework that refers to a Model-View-Controller which is an architectural pattern that divides your app into three main logical components. MVC separates the presentation and business logic as well as offers various features such as security, scalability, and high performance.

Basically, it is a software architecture used to build any particular application for a faster development process and create the business logic.

3. Eloquent ORM

Laravel Eloquent is an object-related mapper that allows you to make relationships with database tables by default within the Laravel framework. It facilitates handling database records and mapping each database table with a particular eloquent model. Using the model object, you can update and receive data in various ways from the database table. 

Using Eloquent ORM, you can quickly access the database and implementation features. This ORM is used to interact with relational databases so you can use it inside Laravel or outside Laravel.

4. High Security

Whether your project is small or large: you’re a newbie or enterprise-level organization, security is the main concern when it comes to web application development. But when you’re using Laravel web development services for your PHP project, advanced security features allow you to configure your websites and enhance security to protect them from hackers. 

If you compare Laravel with other PHP frameworks, Laravel uses a Bcrypt hashing algorithm in which your passwords are not saved in the database. It also offers great user authentication that is easily created by developers and keeps your data secure. However, we can say that Laravel is pretty secure compared to other PHP frameworks. 

5. Command-line interface

When it comes to software development, CLI programs provide interactive access to functions and services to easily perform certain tasks and programming. These programs operate commands in simple text and allow you to configure, update, and make development processes more powerful and easy. 

By integrating command-line in your application, makes the development process fast and simple, as well as eliminates the requirement of repetitively executing coding tasks that should be performed manually. 

6. Libraries and Modular

As we all know, Laravel comes with pre-installed modular and object-oriented libraries which are not available in several PHP frameworks. For instance, the authentication library is simple and offers multiple advanced features such as password reset, encryption, Bcrypt hashing, CSRF protection, checking active users, and much more.

Apart from this, Laravel is divided into various modules adopting the latest PHP principles facilitating modular and responsive web application development.

7. Database Migration

Laravel Migration is like version control for your database that allows your developers to easily edit, modify, and share the app’s database schema. It guides in expanding the application database structure by recreating each time whenever the code is modified. 

If you’re using this feature in your PHP project, then the risk involved in losing data is extremely reduced. Not only this, but you can also use your existing PHP code in your other web app instead of using SQL, which is a great advantage. Also, Laravel Schema Builder helps developers in creating database tables and inserts records with required columns at the specified time.

Is Laravel the best PHP framework?

Yes, undoubtedly. But choosing an ideal PHP framework for building a feature-rich and successful project is one of the most challenging tasks for every organization and it depends on various factors. You need to pick a PHP framework that is suitable for your requirements and aligns with your project. The basic aspects that you should look at while selecting a PHP framework should include:

  • Framework popularity
  • Security
  • Testing features
  • Database access
  • Community support
  • Built-in modules
  • Third-party integrations
  • Modularity
  • Development cost
  • Performance support

Before the invention of Laravel, the Codeigniter framework was the most popular and widely used PHP framework. But, it lacked some basic features like user authentication and authorization. So, when Laravel was out, it defeated all other PHP frameworks and became one of the best frameworks for web development and creating amazing web experiences.

Final Thoughts

In closing, with the above-mentioned statements, it has become quite obvious that Laravel and PHP are match-made in heaven and it is a great choice for your web development. It is always more suitable if you cooperate with a reputable and established PHP development company for successful application delivery. 

You can use more advanced features of Laravel 7.12 such as the rebinding method, using default URLs in Routing, Middleware, Truehosts, foundation function, and much more. It also allows you to resolve coding errors using the rebinding method and makes it easy for you to proceed further. 

If you are planning to build an app using PHP and Laravel, and looking for a dedicated development team then hire the best and reliable PHP development company that offers the best services for web development and have the right expertise and skills.  

Before we take off, I hope you found this post useful and were able to develop an amazing and feature-rich web application today. It would be great if you share this post on Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks for reading!


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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