Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturer in Mumbai

physics lab equipment manufacturer

Physics institutes and laboratories play an essential role in scientific discovery, with lab equipment playing a vital part in educational and commercial research. Their applications range from creating energy-efficient appliances to understanding how light travels throughout our bodies. Every physics lab requires an arsenal of tools, from simple measuring devices like rulers and stopwatches to more sophisticated electronic sensors and data loggers. An exceptional Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturer in Mumbai, Atico India, meets this requirement exceptionally well.

Top physics lab equipment manufacturers in Mumbai provide students and researchers with tools that enable them to unlock the secrets of our universe through experiments. Equipped with appropriate gear, students and researchers can explore physical principles more closely than ever.

The quality and durability of physics lab equipment are crucial in academic research and industrial applications. That is why top Physics Lab Equipment Supplier offers products of such superior quality that last over time and provide excellent value. For an affordable option, consider pre-owned lab equipment tested thoroughly to ensure performance stability and reliability.

Need of Physics Lab Equipment By-Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturers

In a physics laboratory, equipment is essential for carrying out experiments. It includes things like microscopes, lasers, and other measuring devices. In fact, with the right equipment, it can be easier to do even the simplest of physics experiments.

  • Physics lab equipment helps the students understand the relationship between action and reaction, which is impossible with the traditional classroom setup. 
  • The right lab equipment allows for the effective grasping of physics concepts. It leads to progressive learning. 
  • When young minds are directed toward science, the scope of their contribution to advancements in science increases. 

Supplies With Physics Lab Equipment Suppliers

The equipment used in a physics lab can vary depending on the studied discipline. Still, most labs typically contain a power supply, beakers, Bunsen burners, microscopes, and other measuring devices. Physics Lab Equipment Suppliers supply the most comprehensive range of physics lab equipment to schools and colleges worldwide. 

This article will examine what equipment is manufactured and supplied by Physics Lab Equipment Suppliers. The following equipment and purpose are commonly used in a typical physics lab. Please visit our website for the detailed Physics Lab Equipment list with price. 

Whether it’s a university research lab or high school science class, all laboratories need tools and equipment essential to the experiment – including physics lab equipment that helps scientists observe physical phenomena, test theories, and take precise measurements.

Get connected with physics lab equipment suppliers and ensure you equip your lab with these 10 pieces of equipment in your physics lab:

Vernier Calipers

Vernier calipers provide more precise measurements than their ruler counterparts and are the go-to solution for accurate measurements. In addition, verniers allow users to measure inside dimensions and depths, which a ruler cannot do.

To use, place the jaws over the outer diameter of a cylindrical object and read off of its main scale to obtain its measurement. You can also use this tool to gauge depth measurements in holes or slots.

Measurement Tools

Physics as a quantitative discipline relies on accurate measurements of time, length, and mass; measurement tools like meter sticks and rulers are therefore indispensable in any physics lab. Other standard measuring devices include thermometers, spectrometers, stopwatches, and balances.

Physicists use tools like these to comprehend physical phenomena and address complex problems. They serve as essential teaching aids that allow their students to apply fundamental formulae and principles in the lab.

Optical Bench

An optical mount that can securely assemble optical components like lenses, mirrors and prisms in an accurate linear arrangement. Also used for experiments like measuring focal length and interferometry experiments.

Screw Gauge

The Screw Gauge is an instrument designed to measure tiny objects accurately. It consists of a U-shaped metal frame containing a hollow cylinder on its inner surface with grooves through which a screw passes, as well as a millimeter scale referred to as Pitch Scale on its head.

This device is an indispensable asset that accurately measures thin wire diameter and metal sheet thickness. It can also be utilized by machine shops or laboratories for precise component measurement.

Data Loggers

Data loggers are designed to collect samples of physical phenomena, turning abstract ideas into tangible, observable experiments. These devices are popular among physicists and scientists for academic study and commercial R&D efforts.

Loggers typically take the form of small boxes containing power batteries, microprocessors, internal memory storage space and sensors for sensor inputs. They are programmed to record electrical signals at set intervals or as events unfold.


Magnets are integral to modern life, from electric generators and alternators to hard drive storage systems and magnetic levitation transport, which suspends, guides and propels vehicles like trains. Magnets also form the backbone of magnetic levitation transport, which suspends, guides and propels vehicles like trains along tracks.

Schoolkids can build an electromagnet using household batteries and copper wire, demonstrating how different poles repel each other and, like poles attract, magnetic flux lines behave according to this experiment.

The physics lab equipment is an integral part of every school lab. Make an investment with a physics lab equipment manufacturer for the most superior quality physics lab equipment. Explore further categories with physics lab equipment exporters.

More Lab Supplies With Physics Lab Equipment Exporters

The Physics laboratory equipment exporters export the physics laboratory equipment by categorizing it into the following:


  • Motion and Dynamics
  • Speedometers,
  • Stopwatches,
  • Inclined planes,
  • Atwood machines,
  • Force sensors, and
  • Carts.
  • Newton’s Laws
  • Spring balances,
  • Weights,
  • Pulleys, and
  • Friction blocks.
  • Simple Machines
  • Levers,
  • Pulleys,
  • Inclined planes,
  • Wedges,
  • Screws, and
  • Gears
  • Rotational Motion
  • Gyroscopes
  • Rotating platforms


  • Light Sources
  • Lasers,
  • Lamps, and
  • Candles.
  • Optical Components
  • Lenses,
  • Mirrors,
  • Prisms, and
  • Diffraction gratings
  • Light Measurement:
  • Photometers,
  • Lux meters, and
  • Colourimeters

Electricity and Magnetism

  • Circuit Components
  • Resistors,
  • Capacitors,
  • Inductors,
  • Batteries,
  • Switches.
  • Measuring Instruments
  • Voltmeters,
  • Ammeters,
  • Ohmmeters, and
  • Multimeters.
  • Electromagnetism
  • Electromagnets,
  • Solenoids, and
  • Galvanometers.
  • Electrostatics
  • Electrostatic generators,
  • Pith balls, and
  • Electroscopes.


  • Temperature Measurement
    • Thermometers,
    • Thermocouples, and
    • Calorimeters.
  • Heat Transfer
    • Heat sources,
    • Insulators,
    • Conductors.
  • Thermodynamic Processes
    • Gas laws apparatus,
    • Steam engines,
  • Heat pumps.

Modern Physics

  • Atomic Physics
  • Geiger-Müller tubes,
  • Cloud chambers,
  • Spectrometers.
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Radioactive sources,
  • Geiger-Müller tubes,
  • Scintillation counters.

Contact Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturer in Mumbai and get every latest model of physics lab equipment at the most competitive prices. Physics Lab Equipment Manufacturers in Mumbai is here to deal with your every query and concern relating to physics lab equipment expeditiously and excellently. 


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