Each candle is made up of one or more candles and solid fuel, the wax. The term wax refers to a variety of raw materials. Candle wax can come from any source, whether it is vegetable, animal, or mineral. Today, paraffin, beeswax, and stearin are the most commonly used raw materials in candle manufacturing. These materials are all-natural components and are treated in complex ways to provide the desired properties.
Candle Production Has Many Raw Materials
You can use paraffin, beeswax, and stearin in both pure and mixed forms for candles. Prices and availability of raw materials, the ability to process them on existing candle-making machines, and their subsequent product properties (e.g. The use of raw materials in candle production is determined by their price and availability, as well as their processability on existing candle making supplies. Paraffin is the most commonly used in candle production due to its excellent processing properties and availability.
In the production of candles, it is becoming more important to be environmentally friendly and use renewable raw materials. For candle production, animal or vegetable fats are being increasingly used.

The naturally occurring pollutants in high-quality candles are kept at a level that is safe for the environment and people. With the aid of modern analytical techniques, the purity of raw materials and products are constantly monitored. Consumer safety is not determined by the raw material used but rather by its quality.
Paraffin wax is a mixture of solid hydrocarbons with waxy consistency at room temperature. Paraffin is mostly made from fossil crude oil, which is a by-product of oil refining. Complex downstream processes such as hydro-refining, filtration, and de-oiling allow for the production of high-purity paraffin. The refined paraffin is safe from toxicological concerns and subject to continuous quality control. Paraffin can also be used in cosmetic products and the food industry. Paraffin pure is biodegradable.
Paraffin is commonly used in candle production and its solidification points range from 45 to 70 degrees Celsius. Other important distinguishing criteria include hardness, oil content, and viscosity. Paraffins can be used in all types of candle-making processes due to their chemical-physical characteristics. Depending on the final product, it is possible to use the correct paraffin by working closely with Balthasar.
The honeybee’s metabolic product, beeswax, is the oldest source of candles. The honeycombs are made from the wax excreted from the bees’ stomachs. Through contact with honey or pollen, beeswax develops a pleasant scent and color. Its color ranges from yellow to light and deep green to red-yellow to dark brown. It is a blunt, fine-grained, sticky material that can be kneaded easily and has great plasticity. This raw material is not available in large quantities.
There are many impurities in natural beeswax that can be removed using various cleaning methods. The beeswax is then often bleached using bleaching earth or hydrogen peroxide. High-purity beeswax can sometimes be used as an admixture in wax mixtures. It is also used to produce wax plates such as those used for candle decorations. Flowers, ribbons, and Ornaments.
Stearin is a solid mixture of various fatty acids. It mainly consists of palmitic acid and stearic. It is often not assigned to waxes, even though it appears waxy.
Stearin is made from vegetable or animal fats and oils. The primary vegetable raw material is palm oil. The main animal raw materials are mainly pork oil and beef, with very little fish oil or fish fat. Candle manufacturers today rely mainly on vegetable Stearins.

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