Self-publishing a book in India and anywhere else in the world can be the ultimate expression of freedom the author can exercise over their writing and the publishing process.  And we dream and hope it is a simple process because with this level of freedom comes the weight of responsibility of delivering a book that is proper in every aspect of the way. 

Now there aren?t any predefined steps to follow while publishing a book but we can think of a few.

  • CHOOSING THE TOPIC – This is perhaps the most important step in writing and publishing your book and this involves choosing the topic. And by that we even mean genre, for example, fiction works excellent for the Indian book market and biopics are also fantastic.? As a self-published author, you must be able to choose which topic you can cover to the best of your ability and you must also make sure that this topic has demand in the market because ultimately you would want to have a return on the self-publishing investment you just made.?
Best book publishers in india
  • PROPER EDITING – ? Editing to writing is like dressing for a wedding. You can obviously have a poorly edited book just like you can obviously not dress up to a wedding but it would be odd and wouldn’t make sense.? While in the traditional publishing world there is always an editor who will edit your books without you having much say, you can also expect editorial services from a self-publishing book house with a higher degree of control.?
  • But there is this mistake that authors quite often make is that they do not sit along with the editor during the editorial process and that can be problematic because that will simply increase the time between finalizing the manuscript as the editor may make some changes that you may not be happy with and that will simply increase the rounds of editing sessions between you and the editor.
  • DESIGNING – ? The step of designing can be broken down into multiple sections but let?s think of it this way designing involves choosing the format in which you want your book to be published as well as choosing the quality of paper and the font as well as the header measurements and the front cover and much more.? The more control you take the better your dream will be realised and self-publishing is the only way to do it.? While one can say that we must not judge a book by its cover, it has been unanimously and universally accepted that it is never the case and that is why you must make sure that your cover is distinct enough and expressive enough to make the potential readers understand the contents and value of possessing your book.?
  • MARKETING – This is the most crucial step of the process wherein you have to market the book that has just been freshly printed.? While marketing can seem difficult it is actually not, because the key lies in marketing your book to the exact circles your book can be popular in.? Let?s say you?ve written a cookbook; you must market and promote your cookbook in cooking groups on Facebook and promote your book with cooking hashtags on Instagram and every other social media platform possible because social media is the key to marketing in 2022.? Self-publishing is best in every way possible because when you market your book you can have the ultimate freedom of choosing to spread and promote your book wherever you want it without any strings attached.?

These were a few of the crucial steps that an author must take if they want to self-publish that book in India and if you are that author then there is no other self-publishing book house like us at Orange Publishers, Best book publishers in india. We will assist you every step of the way.?

If you are a writer who has worked with us and knows us, we will even help you in understanding the book market and choosing the topic of your next book as far as editing goes, we have the best manuscript editors in the Indian book publishing industry and as far as designing is concerned you simply have to look at the books who have helped publish to understand the level of skill our designers possess.? We will even market your book and help in the promotion of the book and even help you create promotional material for your book.? Publish your book today and stand out from the crowd.?


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.