Sure, education’s a ladder, but the path to academic success is 80 percent is up to you, 10 percent is up to your teachers, and 10 percent is up to your parents.
Teachers help you get into the weeds of a subject area. That’s not going to happen with lectures, multimedia presentations, group work, presentations, and even guest lectures.
The decisions your child will make after they leave for school may feel out of your control, such as whether the teacher is likable or if the lessons are interesting, how well the child performs on in-class assignments, or how well the child understands the curriculum. Parents can still influence academic achievement by controlling several factors. Tina Dan, an expert at My Assignment Help offers 5 tips for all those parents who want their kids to achieve academic success.
1. Make A Study Space Available
It?s a super-common tip but can also be super-effective for your kid. Kids should be able to study and do homework in a quiet place. That’s especially important for kids who easily get distracted by things. Space needs to be free of clutter so that materials can be found easily. The kitchen or living room doesn?t have to be off-limits. If they’re not used during peak traffic times, they’re fine.
The use of a medium-sized table as well as an appropriate supply of materials, such as pens, paper, or a laptop, are recommended. An assignment can be completed quicker and more efficiently if a child does not have to constantly search for items.
2. Get Healthy Habits Going
Healthy eating patterns promote growth, health, and IQ in kids says the CDC. Making your daily meals healthier by adding more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can have a big impact. Make sure to choose items that are low in fat and sodium. You can impact your child’s ability to stay focused and energetic in a class by choosing fruit and whole-grain cereal over sugary items at breakfast and lunch.
An early night’s sleep can have similar effects before school each day. Be sure to establish a reliable bedtime regularly. Sleep experts recommend school-aged children ages 6-13 sleep 9-11 hours per night. Those in their teen years (ages 14-17) should sleep 8-10 hours. By developing a nighttime routine, an eager learner can become alert and attentive. Students who are fully rested will concentrate and be able to participate better in class than those who are sleepy.
A healthy student lifestyle should also include regular exercise. Sports and physical education give kids the opportunity, but incorporating some movement into study time or homework will also help. Students who are losing interest in an assignment can refresh their minds by stretching, walking the dog, or even doing a few jumping jacks. It’s a fun time to hang out with your kid, too.
3. Take Part
It is possible to support your child and school simultaneously through volunteering if your schedule permits. Whether it be chaperoning at a field trip, helping at a field day, a class party, or reading to the class, you can always offer your help if you have the chance. Your kid will learn about the environment as well as how to live a healthy lifestyle when you do it. Perhaps you will even have more elaborate discussions about what you witnessed at home.
4. When You Need Assistance, Seek It Out
Let’s face it, if your kid is struggling, you need to step up. Students who require tutoring or extra support can often access it at many schools. Adding supplemental education after school or at home can help if support isn’t enough. It’s always better to tackle problems right away.
Four Strategies for Student Success in Academics
Getting back into the swing of things can be stressful at the beginning of the semester. The pressure of work, school, family, and friends is immense. Dede Lee at Assignment Help Canada shares five tips for completing coursework and achieving academic success.
1. Learn to play to your strengths
The human tendency is to try to correct a weakness. Success and well-being can be vastly enhanced by knowing your strengths and making use of them effectively. Here is how you can go about doing so.
?I’ve found positive psychology to be useful?, says Dede Lee.
One test in emphasis- the VIA Institute on Character’s Character Strengths Test- can give you some insight into your character. You’ll be able to see on the test where your strengths are and where you need improvement.
Knowing your strengths will enable you to utilize them more effectively. Yet sometimes, it’s necessary to temper our strengths as well.
Lee, a writer at Assignment Help Canada claims that overusing any strength causes a deficit. If, for example, a person is known for their humor, they may make insensitive or inappropriate comments that could cause rifts between the parties.
Planning to strengthen weaknesses while keeping your strengths in mind can be helpful not just for academic success but for overall fulfillment!
2. Put Your Happiness First
A sense of purpose and satisfaction about what you’re doing will give you the best chances of success. Happiness is often concomitant with success, but happiness alone is not always associated with success.
It is therefore important to prioritize your well-being if you strive to reach your goals. The meaning of well-being is rooted in positive mindsets, partaking, and performance, according to Lee.
?People prioritize well-being by being in school. The kids are getting involved, and they’re working on achievements,? says Lee.
At the end of each day, Levy suggests noting five positive things that have occurred. It might be something you are proud of, something for which you are thankful, or even something that simply makes you smile.
You may also find it helpful to study subjects that contribute to your sense of purpose and meaning in life. A person who connects meaning to their goals is more likely to succeed, according to Dede Lee, who has helped over 1000 students with Assignment Help Canada now.
3. Make Sure You Have Specific Goals
Time management plays a critical role in how successful you are at achieving your goals. Dede suggests dividing your time into pie slices (or priorities) over the semester.
One must inevitably say no to other activities to become a student. She goes on to explain how setting goals requires developing a semester-long strategy.
Students who plan are usually better at school. The priority pie should encompass more than classes and work – such as family, study, and homework, and self-care such as going to the gym or getting a massage now and then.
Clearly defined, personal, and flexible goals are the best!
4. Take Time to Recuperate
Lee recommends that instead of avoiding all stress, one should set aside time for mental and physical recovery. Students sometimes find themselves stretched out to accommodate different responsibilities. Experiencing stress could lead to a positive and motivating experience if it opens your eyes to the possibilities. If you don’t give yourself enough time to recover before you go back to work, it can cause chronic stress.
Keeping your eight hours of sleep sacred can keep chronic stress at bay. Think twice before pulling another all-nighter. Taking regular breaks, eating healthy meals, and engaging in recreational activities can keep you focused and on track.
Four Tips Teachers Need to Promote Academic Success
It is the primary responsibility of a teacher to ensure students’ success. Student success may come in the form of a good grade. Other students might be able to achieve success by getting involved in the classroom. No matter how your students measure success, teachers can help them reach their full potential. Sasha Bridget, an education studies writer at My Assignment Help has got eight strategies to make it happen.
1. Grow as A Professional
Every year, new insights and research become available that will improve the way you teach. Staying up to date on the latest info can make you a better teacher. Your students will love it and you’ll get more results.
As well, teaching the same stuff year after year gets boring. The result is a lack of inspiration. This will bore students. Making lessons fun is a great way to keep them engaged by learning new things and ways to continually progress as a teacher.
2. Ensure Every Student Is Cared For
Every year, check-in on the kids in your class. Were any of them left out? Is it hard to reach some students or do they just not seem to care? You can sense what the students are thinking about you, so think twice before you believe anything.
?No matter what you think, it’s important for you to make sure each of your students succeeds?, emphasizes Bridget. Let them know you’re proud of them. Be happy to see them and act like you want to be there. Take the time to learn about their hobbies, about their daily lives, and try to include some of the information in your lessons.
3. Expect the Best
Put high, but not unreasonable, expectations on your students. Students will eventually get to higher standards if you push them to get there and praise them a lot along the way.
Depending on the student, it may take more or less time, but everyone wants to hear ?you’re smart and you’re doing well.?
4. Embrace Transparency and Be Willing to Help
Everyone should understand how to succeed in your class, right? The syllabus should explain your grading policies to students on the first day of the school year. Send your rubric ahead of time if you’re asking students to do subjective like an essay. It is strongly recommended that you explain precisely how you will grade your students’ participation and their work in science labs if they participate.
Bringing It All Together
The moment you look at things through the lens of ?responsibility,? you’ve missed the point!
The academic success of a student can be influenced, in either positive or negative, by a plethora of factors, almost none of which are within anyone?s ?obligation?. Learning happens at a child’s pace, he or she grasps material differently, and no kid is responsible for a ?failure to perform?.
Teachers, parents, and students should avoid blaming each other. To achieve the highest possible academic success for each student, the parents and educators should work together, considering both the strengths and weaknesses of the student and making sure each party of the triad puts forth the effort it takes. Together, we can identify challenges and solve them, and we’ll build on successes! Reach out to LiveWebTutors to know more.

As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.