fictional writing

What is Fictional writing? Best Things to Know

Fictional writing is an art of forming imaginary, imaginative, imaginative stories, which are not associated with real events but are invented on the writerā€™s imagination. StoĀ­ries can transĀ­port readĀ­ers to alĀ­terĀ­naĀ­tive reĀ­alĀ­iĀ­ties, an epiĀ­thet of exĀ­plorĀ­ing difĀ­ferĀ­ent worlds, emĀ­oĀ­tions and ideas that enĀ­tĀ­erĀ­tain, edĀ­uĀ­cate and inĀ­spire. From the world of dragons and wizards, to face…

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