These 21 Box Design Ideas Will Help You Step Up Your Packaging Game

You’re already one step ahead of the game if you decide to ship or display your items in a cardboard box. Yes, cardboard is a big trend these days.

Ipsos recently conducted a survey that found:

According to the survey results, 71% of respondents said they are more likely to purchase products from companies that use paper or cardboard packaging instead of bubble wrap or plastic.

More than six in ten people polled said that paper and cardboard packaging makes a product appear more expensive or high quality.

Eyelash Packaging Box

In order to get your products noticed, you’ve made the intelligent decision to package them in cardboard boxes. Nope.

This is not the time to simply stow away your goods in a generic container and move on. So, for example, suppose you want to stand out from the crowd in today’s world of unboxing videos and endless social media diatribes about the entire package opening experience. In that case, you’ll need to think outside the box.

There are plenty of choices available to consumers today. These people can rely on resources outside of their town or country. Whether they’re in a brick-and-mortar or online store, they’re looking for an all-encompassing shopping experience. Moreover, they want their customers to be impressed by the packaging in which they receive their products.

Think about what makes you want to buy a particular food or beverage brand. Whether it’s word of mouth or customer loyalty, the packaging is likely a factor.

So, how critical is your packaging design to your business’s success? Consider the following:

When it comes to purchasing decisions, a study by Ipsos found that 72% of Americans are influenced by the packaging design.

A whopping 66% of people polled by WestRock admitted to trying something new solely due to its attractive packaging.

So, don’t put off the design of the box until the last minute.

A creative yet practical box design is essential if you want to get the most out of this potent marketing tool.

When evaluating box design concepts, usability is a crucial consideration.

Creating a successful box design, such as the custom boxes shown above for Adidas, is more than simply picking your favorite colors to splatter across the sides (albeit that is an essential element).

It’s important to know the primary functions of a box before you begin brainstorming ideas for your design.

Read Also: What is PMS Color

When you’re looking for inspiration for your box design, here are a few things to keep in mind:

For your box to protect the contents, it must be sturdy enough.

First and foremost, your box must be able to keep the contents safe.

It’s essential that your custom box design protects the contents during shipping.

This necessitates the use of a box that is both sturdy and impenetrable. If your wine glasses break or your poster is creased, no one is going to appreciate your beautiful box. Instead, you want your goods to arrive undamaged.

There should be no wasted space in your box.

The box’s structural design can also significantly impact your bottom line. For example, consider things like storage and shelf space when deciding on a layout. As a warehouse manager, you don’t want to deal with an oddly shaped box.

When designing your box, take into account transportation costs as well. If you’re not careful, factors like box size and weight can drive up your shipping costs.

Your box should be informative.

It is critical that the contents of your box be clearly identified. As long as there’s room, include information about the contents, such as ingredients, expiration dates, or information on how to use the product, in the box that you’re handing out.

Additional information about your company can be included in packaging boxes. Although there is a limited amount of marketing space in a custom box, it’s still possible to bring customers straight to your website or social media channels for more in-depth information about your business and its products and services.

Your packaging should reflect your company’s image and values.

It’s true that your box needs to be safe, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore its aesthetics. Instead, you can make a strong first impression and boost your brand recognition with the use of boxes.

You should not cut corners when it comes to the box’s design. Instead, your logo should be prominent and use colors and shapes that represent your brand in order to fully utilize this powerful marketing tool.

Your box’s design should be planned out in advance.

Once you’ve figured out what a box is supposed to do, it’s time to sketch out a design. So it’s a fine idea to ask yourself these questions to get you started on creating your strategy:

What do you have to offer?

In order to get the right box (or boxes), you’ll need to know exactly what you’re going to be putting in it, as packages come in all shapes and sizes.

Depending on the size and weight of your boxes, you’ll have a wide range of options when it comes to boxes. For example, you may be able to get away with lighter, smaller items in thinner carton boxes if you pack heavier items in reinforced boxes.

Items that are delicate must also be taken into consideration. Stained glass should not be shipped in a flimsy, unpadded box. Double-wall corrugated boxes wouldn’t be worth their weight in gold if all you’re shipping is socks.

A single-size box may not be sufficient for most businesses, given the wide variety of goods they sell. For example, consider whether or not multiples can be packed together in the same box when selling a single type of product.

Read Also: Eyelash Packaging Box

Why should people care about your work?

Whatever products or services you’re selling, there is likely a customer in mind that you want to attract. You need to figure out who you’re trying to appeal to. What demographics are you trying to reach? Your customers’ age, income level, geographic location, and what’s important to them should all be taken into consideration.

For eco-conscious customers, maybe you’re selling a line of high-end cosmetics, or maybe you’re selling a line of paper straws. Your packaging should reflect your brand, no matter what you’re selling.

Essential to your overall marketing plan is boxes. All of your sales materials, from your website to your social media profiles to your retail packaging, should have the same look and feel.

Your brand’s values should be reflected in your custom packaging design. Customers’ first encounter with your product may be in the form of a box. So your packaging should be the best it can be to show off your products.

Recognize a Few Basic Design Principles

That doesn’t mean you can’t learn from the successes of other companies when it comes to designing your own packaging (and failures).

You can get started with your box design by following a few well-known design “rules.”

It’s All About the Colors

Color is an important factor in promoting your products. For example, color has increased brand recognition by 80 percent and influenced 85 percent of consumers’ purchasing decisions.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.