Why Is It Time to Upgrade to Magento 2 Now?

Magento 2 was introduced in 2015 after several delays, and the positive reception it has gotten shows that it was well worth the wait. Several websites have already made the switch to Magento 2 while others are in the process of doing so.

I’m the type of person who is continuously looking for new ways to improve. Without hesitation, I upgraded to Windows Vista, Windows 8, and other subsequent software releases. When it came to Magento 2, though, I was not as quick to make the transfer.


Remember when new Windows versions were announced, or when major programme upgrades were introduced? What was the one thing that all of those upgrades have in common?

Bugs! There are a lot of bugs.

It’s not rare to run into issues in new software. However, when there are issues on an eCommerce website, it is a major issue because you may lose a lot of customers as a result. Experimenting with an eCommerce website by upgrading it to a new programme that is full of faults could be a disaster for your company.

When clients ask me concerns about migrating to magento development services, I’m always a little nervous about upgrading the fundamental software that runs your business before all of the bugs are ironed out. However, after two years and eight releases, I believe it is safe to convert from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

When I realised the moment was perfect, I did some research on the benefits and drawbacks that one should be aware of before proceeding with the relocation.

Migrating to Magento 2 has a lot of advantages.

More built-in features: The Magento 2 platform contains a lot of built-in capabilities, so it appears to be a complete solution. There are less extensions needed because most of the functionality are built-in.

Improvised performance: The performance of Magento 2 is undeniable. It is a major improvement over the Magento 1 platform.

Magento 2’s layout is fully responsive and touch friendly by default, so you won’t have to waste time modifying different screen views.

Straightforward to add feature: Magento 2 features a configuration that allows for easy and simple backend management as well as a better user experience, providing admins with more functionality. Additionally, the user-end functionalities have been enhanced with the addition of a higher UX.

These advantages are certain to improve the webshop’s UI/UX, enticing more customers.

Magento 1 is also predicted to become obsolete by the end of 2019 due to the upcoming release of Magento 2.2. As a result, it is preferable to make the changeover now, when there is plenty of time, rather than when it is absolutely necessary.

To sum it up

When Magento 2 was originally announced, it offered a lot of intriguing features, but it was a prudent idea to wait for others to try it out and iron out all of the flaws before migrating to Magento 2. But now that all of the flaws have been fixed, the only thing left are its remarkable capabilities, which make the time spent moving from Magento 1 to Magento 2 well worth it.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.