Going to college can be an exciting time, but it can also be daunting. There are so many things to think about. What should you pack? What classes should you take? How will you make friends?
Discussed below are the top five things that every first-year student needs to know before heading off to college.
1. You Will Make New Friends
The phrase ?it’s a small world? has never been more true than it is in your college dormitory. Get to know your roommate and some of the other people on your floor, and you’ll soon be hanging out with them all the time. Make sure you get involved with one or two different social groups during orientation week or at the beginning of the first semester to have people eat within the cafeteria and go to on-campus events.

2. You Will Develop Discipline
You’re now an adult, and it’s time for you to start acting like one. This means getting out of bed at a reasonable time in order to avoid being late to class. Lectures are not always optional. If you choose to skip them, you need to consider how doing this will affect your grades. Remember that, unless you’re ill or have an emergency, there is no excuse for missing class.
Remember that classes and studying should be your number one priority. Socializing and going to social events can be done in your leisure. Talk to your roommates and make a decision to hold each other accountable when it comes to priorities and getting assignments done on time.
3. You Will Have Long Nights
Long nights of doing nothing but sitting in bed watching TV are now behind you. During college, you’ll find yourself staying up late into the night because of all the exciting things you have planned. Whether it’s a party, an event at school, or seeing your new friend from class for coffee: you’ll need to make sure that you get enough sleep and that you don’t sacrifice it all in the name of having fun.
It’s also worth remembering how much time you’ll be spending on homework. If your classes have a lot of reading involved, then leave some time before going to bed for this. Otherwise, you’re just going to fall asleep while trying to read about Plato or Foucault. You can also buy a book light so that you can read without keeping your roommate awake.
4. Be Prepared to Do Lots of Research
If you’re studying a subject that you aren’t all that familiar with, coursework can be very difficult. To succeed in these classes, it’s important to do your due research to make sure you have a thorough understanding of the appropriate topics. If you are wondering how to write a research paper, browse the many formats or seek help from your professor.
Before going onto any university website or database, look at the course page for your class and see any recommended reading listed. If there is one, consider reading some of the listed material from it. Even if it seems boring, this information will provide you with the basic background knowledge required to understand what’s going on in the lecture.
5. You Need to Be Able to Take Care of Yourself
College is not high school. The fact that you are now an adult means that there are certain responsibilities expected of you, namely, taking care of yourself. If you don’t eat properly or exercise enough, your health will suffer. If you’re bedraggled, tired, and living on caffeine because you’re only sleeping six hours a night, then your health will suffer. And, if you’re in poor health when it comes to exam time, this is a problem that will affect the grades you get.
Don’t forget to look after yourself. Even though a lot is going on around you, remember that it’s important to have some downtime as well. If not, then college can be quite overwhelming and exhausting.
The first few weeks of college might seem tough, but it’s just a case of adjusting to a new routine. Staying organized and ensuring that you’ve got some downtime is important for student welfare.

As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.