Types and Characteristics of Roads

    characteristics of roads

    There are many types of roads and public roads, and although there are certain basic safety laws and regulations that we must comply with, each of these roads has specific characteristics that we must know and take into account when driving, since that it is not the same to drive on a highway than on a secondary road.

    Each type of road has specific characteristics that we must take into account when driving


    First of all, it is essential to know what types of roads are in our country:

    • Highways: they have several lanes in both directions and are designed to circulate at high speed, although their limit is 120 km / h. Highways are identified by the acronym AP and only motor vehicles can circulate on them.
    • Highways: They are very similar to highways, although they do not meet certain requirements. Highways tend to have curves with tighter turning radii and steeper slopes. Likewise, their access and exit lanes are usually shorter and may even include bus stops. The highways are identified with the initials A and their maximum speed is limited to 120 km / h.
    • National highways: They have two lanes, one in each direction. They are identified with the initials N and their maximum speed is 90 km / h.
    • Regional roads: They belong to the road network of the Autonomous Community and have a maximum speed of 90 km / h.
    • Provincial network: It belongs to the secondary road network and is made up of those roads that are the responsibility of the Provincial Councils. These types of roads are not usually very long and their traffic is not usually high. The roads of the Provincial Network usually link towns with each other or serve as a link between other areas with the first level roads.
    • Municipal network: It is made up of the roads that depend on a city ??council. These roads are of local importance and are short roads that link nearby towns or that give access to isolated populations or areas of interest.
    • We must know that there are also other types of public or secondary roads such as interurban, rural, crossing or urban.


    According to ALD Automotive, depending on the road you are driving on, there are certain aspects that make a difference when driving, such as?speed.

    When we drive we tend to be always attentive to the signs so as not to exceed the permitted speed limit. However, it is just as important for road safety not to drive below the recommended speed.

    This aspect will also depend on the type of road you are driving on. On motorways and highways the minimum speed of circulation is 60 km / h, while on national and regional roads it is usually 50 km / h, although there are some in which this figure is reduced to 45 or 35 km / h. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention at all times to the indications in each one of them.

    It is very important to respect the minimum speed of the tracks


    When driving on these types of fast roads, it is important to follow the following indications to travel safely:

    • Always respect the established speeds, both the minimum and the maximum.
    • Always keep a safe distance.
    • Always use the turn signals to signal any movement.
    • Check the rear view mirror frequently.
    • Pay attention to the movements of vehicles in front of and behind us.
    • Drive whenever possible in the right lane.
    • Fast forward.
    • Pay attention to the information panels.
    • Never slow down when driving in the fastest lane.


    Secondary roads are often the least safe because they have more intersections and mergers. They also have more curves and mountainous sections, so when driving on them we must be especially careful.

    • We must drive as close to the right bank as possible, to ensure greater safety for vehicles going in the opposite direction.
    • Always respect the maximum and minimum speed established.
    • It is very important to maintain a safe distance at all times.
    • We must keep the car lights always on, even during the day.
    • Try to minimize overtaking.
    • If while we are circulating we see some signs that warn about the presence of animals, we must reduce speed and be very attentive to avoid unforeseen events and you can buy cars from auto for trade.

    As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.

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