Vegan Supplements: Which Ones do You Require to Stay Healthy

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Following a plant-based diet brings in a lot of clean energy! At the same time, it also has some nutritional drawbacks since essential nutrients needed for a healthy body do come from animal products. Therefore, discarding it completely from your diet can make you vitamin deficient. 

Nutrients like Vitamin B12 are primarily present in animal products, not supplementing it can bring down your health. However, if you want to escape the consequences, vegan supplements are the best option. Therefore, to help you keep up with your nutritional requirements, we?ve come up 7 essential vegan supplements that?ll help you thrive.?

Vitamin B-12

Vitamin B-12 is the most crucial supplement for vegans. It is pivotal to maintain a healthy body. B-12 is responsible for forming red blood cells, supports the nervous system, and even metabolize protein. However, while any person can have lower B-12 levels, vegans are at a higher risk of this deficiency due to restricted plant-based sources.  

However, it should also be noted that people absorb and utilize vitamin B-12 differently. So, people who consume animal products can have a B-12 deficiency, only if their body cannot process this vitamin. With age the ability to utilize the B-12 vitamin declines too.  

For vegans, it is important to schedule periodic B-12 tests. Consulting with a doctor or nutritionist can build a healthy diet.  You can even have nutritional yeast to overcome the deficiency, but supplements are always an option if you don’t feel like it. 


Calcium is one such nutrient that people with a vegan diet might lack. Calcium is a primary nutrient that helps nourish bone, teeth formation, and heart health. 

A 2014 research shows that calcium levels are generally lower in vegan people, when compared to vegetarians and omnivores. You can get calcium from mustard leaves, watercress, chickpeas, fortified food, and bok choy. 

If a person is calcium deficient, supplementation is the only option to fulfill the levels in a short time frame. Calcium supplements are found in powder or tablet form. Including vitamin D with calcium supplements increases the absorption rate. 


Iron helps develop healthy body cells and carry oxygen throughout the body. The nutrient is generally available in two primary forms: non-heme and heme. Heme iron is present in animal by-products, whereas, non-heme comes from plant sources. 

For the human body, heme iron is easier to process and use. However, in a 2013 study, it was proven that eating a vegan diet rich in iron foods fulfills the iron requirement and prevents deficiency. Some vegan iron options include nuts, whole grains, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, legumes, fortified products, and seeds. Plus, getting enough vitamin C increases iron intake. Most people schedule blood tests to ensure they are getting adequate iron.?

However, in case if you have lower iron composition in your body, iron supplements are the best sources to bridge the gap. 


Iodine is essential for a healthy thyroid gland. It is present in a minimal amount in plants based on the soil in which they were harvested. 

If you are a sushi lover, eating seaweed will be very common. Seaweed is rich in iodine; consuming it a few times every week will help meet iodine requirements. Even iodized salt offers enough iodine; use it in every meal to get the required value. 

However, if you are concerned about your daily iodine intake, consult your doctor before supplementing it. 

Omega-3 fatty acids

omega 3 supplement

If you want healthy fats, omega-3 fatty acids are a great source. A plant-based vegan diet might be in some type of omega-3. It offers various health benefits like:

  • Lowering the risk of developing heart disease
  • Supporting neurodevelopment in children 
  • Reduces the chances of rheumatoid arthritis
  • Deterring the chances of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

However,  essential omega-3 fatty acids like alpha-linolenic acid should come from your diet. The body is unable to produce them itself. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids like eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid are extraneous, meaning the body can produce them by utilizing ALA.

Consuming ALA is not a big issue; it is present in soy products, flaxseed, and canola oil. But DHA and EPA are entirely present in microalgae, fish oils, and fish. Include omega-3 supplements to prevent deficiency. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D strengthens the immune system, regulates mood, and supports other nutrient absorption like phosphorus and calcium. 

The human body can make vitamin D only if it gets enough sunlight. Most people can make ample vitamin D by spending at least 20 minutes outdoors in the afternoon. However, spending time outdoors in the sun requires sun protection to prevent skin cancer, which may reduce the ability to produce vitamin D. 

There are many natural sources of vitamin D, but for vegans, the list is limited. Some vegan sources are fortified food and some types of mushrooms. Getting the average vitamin D intake alone from the diet is lower than the recommended. So, along with vegans, even omnivores and vegetarians can benefit from vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin K-2

Vitamin K helps with blood coagulation and the healing of wounds. Essentially there are two kinds of vitamin K: Vitamin K-1 and Vitamin K-2.  

Vitamin K-1 is found in many plants, especially in green leafy vegetables. Vitamin K-2 is found in dairy products and eggs. As vegans do not indulge in animal products, they must consume other vitamin K-2 sources like fermented foods. 

Some fermented food rich in vitamin K-2 is fermented soybean(natto), vegan kimchi, sauerkraut, plant-based kefir, and unpasteurized kombucha. 

There are lower chances of vitamin K-2 deficiency because gut bacteria can turn vitamin K-1 into vitamin K-2. Taking probiotic supplements might help the gut process vitamin K. 


Vegans always do not lack nutrients, but some vitamins are often missed out on. If you are thinking about following a vegan diet, first understand what nutrients are crucial for a healthy body. 

A balanced diet is a great way to get and store essential minerals and vitamins. Collagen supplements are also an excellent option to maintain skin elasticity and healthy joints.   If you lack any vitamin or cannot get daily recommended value from food sources, supplementation will cater to your body?s needs.


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