7 Weight Loss Motivation Books While Working 9-5

weight loss motivation

When you are losing weight, it can be personified as riding on a roller coaster full of emotions. There are days when you feel like celebrating after stepping on the weight machine, and there are times when you dress up in fitted outfits and can see your belly saying hello! Different dieticians around the globe state that losing is harder, than putting on weight. The process of losing can be made plain and simple by following simple steps. There are certain times when you start following these steps. The good news is you are losing! But the time arrives when there is something that is blocking your way in achieving your weight goals- you have been hired for a 9-5 job.   

Working for long hours and then taking out time for exercising is something people often avoid. Always remember, you can do it! If still you need some motivation to help you kick start, choosing one of these books by inspiring authors can depict a picture of what the weight loss journey looks like. 

7 weight loss motivational books

Books are readers’ best friends. You can learn a lot of new things if you are a passionate reader. Look for motivational books published by different publishing houses like Dubai book publishers or others. 

In this blog, we have shed some light on some of the motivational books for those who are searching for weight loss motivation. Let’s get started. 

Heavy: An American Memoir, by Kiese Laymon

Kiese Laymon, an essayist and novelist wrote a powerful memoir that got record-breaking sales in 2018. In this book, he discusses his personal life, with a main focus on themes like race, family, and body image. He shares his experience of growing up in Jackson, Mississippi. Highlighting the way he struggled with obesity and the deep impact of racism and personal trauma on his life. The memoir combines strong, thoughtful proses with strong justification of the challenges he faced. His complicated relations with his mother and the battle of self-worth and societal expectations are all highlighted in this book. The book received positive reviews from readers due to its lyrical writing style, spotlighting the intersections of identity, history, and personal growth in hard times. 

The elephant in the room, by Tommy Tomlinson

Tommy Tomlinson, who was a journalist, weighed 460 pounds when he was near fifty years old. At this spot, he was diagnosed with the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. He was so heavy that he could not even climb a flight of stairs without having to catch his breath, nor can he board a flight without buying two seats. This condition was due to being raised in a family that had loved food. He had been aware of all these problems since his preteen years. Although he consulted different doctors and tried various diets, nothing worked. Maybe, he thinks that he didn’t want to change. 

In his book, he highlights the meetings he had with different people for weight loss motivation. After these meetings, he took his first step towards being healthy. All his struggles, either big or small he had taken to lose weight are highlighted.  

Walking with Peety: The Dog Who Saved My Life, by Eric O’Grey with Mark Dagostino 

Eric O’Grey is an inspirational speaker who completed his BS degree in Finance and a Juris Doctor degree. In his books, he discusses his friendship with a shelter dog, Peety who was overweight like him. He narrates that he was 150 lb (overweight) and a patient with type 2 diabetes. He was even going through a phase of depression due to being overweight. One day he goes to visit a doctor. That doctor gave him an unconditional prescription. The prescription included a shelter dog named Peety who was heavy like him. The story moves further by telling the readers about the bond that builds between both of them and they transform their lives together. Both the friends lost weight together, reducing type 2 diabetes. How did these friends regain control of their lives? 

It was me all along, by Andie Mitchell

Andie Mitchell is a food blogger sharing her inspiring story of incredible weight loss. This journey includes losing the weight from 300 pounds to almost half of her weight. She worked hard and established a healthy relationship with food. 

This story begins when the author starts by narrating the time of her 20th birthday. When she stepped on the weighting machine she was 300 pounds with a 5’ 9 height. She further moved on by narrating how she lost weight up to 135 pounds without following wild diet trends. She maintained this weight for six years. 

This story is a motivation for those individuals who need to kick their habit of binge eating. Mitchell was fond of eating since her childhood. Her story gained success due to the issue being highlighted in the story, which addressed those who struggle with weight and self-image issues. This author like others used various book marketing services to let the audience know about her unique content which was a motivation for those who do this process all alone. 

Always too much and never enough: A Memoir, by Jasmin Singer 

Jasmin Singer is an animal rights advocate. She loves pets and spends he time with them. She narrates in her story the way she could even lose weight after switching to a vegan diet. Her perception of getting thin after using a vegan diet got broken into pieces, but she was passionate about losing weight. The story moves further when she tells the audience how she researched about losing weight and learned that cutting off processed foods and incorporating juice helped her to lose 100 pounds successfully. She describes her journey, the way she was brought down by society due to her weight, and the ways of unpacking her destructive relationship with food that was a weight loss motivation. This helped her rebuild her self-esteem by losing weight.   

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body, by Roxane Gay 

Roxane Gay is the New York Times bestselling author. Her story flashes back to the times when she had to experience violence as a 12-year-old girl. This led her to develop eating habits as she was solely dependent on food to protect her body. She further narrates in the story that society shamed her of overweight as she of a bisexual adult of 6’ 3 height and suffering from obesity. 

This story has gained millions of readers due to the wonderful writing style, leaving you to rethink the relationship you might have built with the food and your body. The importance of working is highlighted to create awareness among the readers so this relationship can be positive. 

The amazing adventure of diet girl, by Shauna Reid 

Scotland-based Shauna Reid started with blogging, sharing her journey of transformation from 351 lb to half of her weight when she was 23. This is a lighthearted and hilarious book that readers can engage with. This book is set on multiple plots. It includes Reid’s travelogues, work issues, and romantic life. She narrates the story, discussing how she overcame the obstacles to lose weight.  


How can an individual lose weight?

Losing weight is not a daunting task if you choose the right strategy. A person who is losing weight needs to exercise, adapt to the habit of counting calories and reduce the number of carbs intake. Intermediating fasting is a good option. 

How can these books motivate a reader to start losing weight?

All the above-mentioned books are a monologue of the authors when they were losing weight. Each author discussed the challenges they faced while losing weight, along with the kickstarts that compelled them to lose weight.  

The final words 

If you are researching about weight loss motivation, but are occupied due to your job boundaries. After reading through this blog, you might have got a kick start that you can do something that you intend to do. In this blog, we have covered the gist of these inspirational stories. Choose one that you think will inspire you to lose weight. Read that book and transform your appearance.


As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.