You are working hard on SEO or SMM and driving traffic to your blog. But you are unable to retain those users and as soon as they land on your website they bounce off. This in general term of blogging is known as the bounce rate.
These days driving traffic on your website is not at all easy. It requires a lot of hard work and good content. But after doing all that hard if that traffic is not paying off then it feels bad. This mainly happens when your bounce rate is very high. So let?s have a deep and detailed discussion over this topic. In this blog, I am going to clear all your doubts and will try to solve your problem.
What is Bounce Rate?
The definition of bounce rate is well explained by Google – ?when a user lands on your web page and immediately exit it without doing any action. In this case, Google assigns a ?user bounce? signal to Google Analytics.
By the word ?any action? Google means not clicking the internal links, not spending a certain time on the webpage and not clicking the options in the menu section.?
In some cases, I have seen that if most visitors on your website do not scroll down, then this also contributes to your higher bounce rates. In this particular case, you can also use analytic tools such as Zoho page sense to monitor the real-time activities on your website. This tool shows you the screen recording of your user?s activity on your website.
In that way, you can optimize your content further to make it more user-friendly because content marketing is also an essential factor in the bounce rate reduction.
Why you should care about it?
Okay so if we are talking about bounce rate then there must be some serious disadvantages of a higher bounce rate. Under this heading, we will discuss some of them:-
1. Adversely affects your SEO campaign
If you are doing SEO of your website, then a higher bounce rate is your worst enemy. Actually, whenever Google sends a bounce rate request it assumes that this content is not fit to be ranked. And this assumption is made by its algorithm.
Google?s algorithm always tries to provide the best answer available to a search query. And if your bounce rate is high then they will assume that users don?t like your content. In this way, it badly affects your SEO campaign and drops your ranking.
2. Low Conversions
For sometime let?s just sideline the SEO factor. Suppose you are doing a paid advertisement campaign and most visitors bounce off from landing page. In this case, you are not going to get the desired conversions. And if there will be no desired conversion then there will be no profit.
So in order to increase your conversions, you have to optimize your landing. Also, this no retention nature of your landing page sends bad signals to the ad delivery network. On this basis, these ad networks also drop your campaign reach.
Causes of high bounce rate
The bounce rate on a blog and on an eCommerce site can be due to different reasons. But in this article, we will discuss some common factors in both cases. Below I have mentioned some reasons pointwise:-
1. Slow Webpage
This is the main reason that I have seen on my website. When your website or landing page takes to much time load then eventually users will bounce off. Nobody likes a slow webpage and you should check your webpage speed from time to time in order to avoid low retention.
2. Unconvincing Webpage
This is the second reason that most people miss out on it. When your landing page or webpage is not able to convince the visitor to use your service so in that case, you lose that visitor. This will ultimately increase your bounce rate.
3. Irresponsive layout
Always keep in mind that majority searches happen on mobile phones. While designing and developing a webpage people often consider the desktop view. If it looks good on the desktop we approve it. And when a user comes on the website and layout is not proper then they will bounce off.
4. Improper ad placement
The more ad you placed on your webpage means the more money you are going to make. But an improper ad placement also irritates the visitors. This will make them leave your site immediately.
Basically a user comes on your website to get the answer to his query. But if you are showing them something else than they want. Then this will obviously irritate them.
Here comes the last and the most important part of our discussion. What are the tactics to decrease the bounce rate? Below I have mentioned all those tricks that I personally use on my blog. And these tricks will surely work for you as well.
1. Optimize Your Page Speed
First, go the google page speed test, put on your website or landing page URL. This tool is from Google which will test the speed of your webpage. This will show you the speed of your website on mobile and desktop separately.
This tool also gives you suggestions that what you can do to improve your page speed. To improve your page speed on mobile you can also use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page). This is an open-source project by Google to make websites mobile-friendly. When you deploy AMP it easily improves your page speed.
2. Analyze the traffic behavior
Analyze how your visitors are behaving on the website. You can use the Zoho page sense to do that. This will help you to decide what your users are liking and disliking on your website.
3. Do not Spam
Always keep the end-user in mind. Never spam in your webpage copy. People unnecessarily stuff keyword and optimize their content for bots. Rather than this, you should always optimize your content for humans. Try to provide genuine information with optimal use of keywords in it.
So I hope you liked this article and hope you got the solution to your problem. Use the above-mentioned solutions to decrease your bounce rate and I am sure you will see the results.

As the editor of the blog, She curate insightful content that sparks curiosity and fosters learning. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, she strive to bring diverse perspectives and engaging narratives to readers, ensuring every piece informs, inspires, and enriches.