Having your immigration application rejected can be stressful and exhausting. Several factors can lead to application rejection or refusal. To maintain peace and harmony across the nation, the Canadian authorities have imposed specific rules that each applicant should abide by to enter the borders and have an opportunity to reshape their lives.
Improper documentation, delays in filing the application, economical crises, and more are some of the prominent reasons why the rejection of applications takes place. Hence, it is vital to know the root of your problem before taking any action on your own. In extreme cases, you might get permanently banned from entering the country.
In this article, we have will walk you through everything that will help you get in-depth knowledge and understanding of the immigration process and how you can get your application accepted after getting rejected or returned by the authorities.
1. Understand the reason
Before appealing to the higher authorities, make sure to understand why your application was rejected or returned by the government. Return and refusal are two different terms and should not be confused with one another. Let us now have an in-depth understanding of the two.
- Returned
Generally, applications are returned due to improper information or the submission of wrong documents. You can also reapply under this program after completing a certain period. You should also be entitled to a refund from the government for fees you have paid in the process.
- Refused
Refusal of the applicational is more complex than the return of your documents. It can be challenging to reapply for the same program after your application gets rejected or refused by the authorities. It is best to hire services from an experienced and qualified professional to help you find the best solution for your situation.
2. Opt for other options
If your application is rejected or returned more than once for a specific immigration program, you should consider opting for other programs. Multiple rejections can lead to a ban from entering the country for a specific period. An experienced and skilled immigration lawyer can help increase your chances of your application getting accepted and approved by the authorities. They can also guide you throughout the process to face certain situations and get the most out of your efforts.
3. File your immigration appeals
Now, let us look at how you can appeal for your application under different immigration programs.
- Economic class, temporary permit, work permit, study permit, visitor visa, and PR applicants
First and foremost, make sure to obtain the reasons for your rejection. Prepare your documents, such as an affidavit, memorandum of argument, and other related documents. For economic class, temporary permit, study permit, and express entry appeal applications, you can approach the Federal Court of Canada. If you don’t know the appropriate measures to file an appeal, take assistance from legal professionals having years of knowledge in every aspect of immigration law.
- Refused refugee appeal and Refused IAD applicants
Generally, refused refugee and refused IAD appeals are handled by the Immigration Refugee Board. They are responsible for accepting or rejecting refugee applications in Canada. Applicants can file an appeal at the Federal Court to challenge the decision made by the Immigration Refugee Board. Applying to the Federal Court is similar to the above pointer.
- Removal order applicants
The decisions of removal of applicants are made by the Immigration Division or the Immigration Refugee Board along with an immigration officer. The government won’t approve your application if you are charged with serious criminal activity or other inadmissibility cases where the situations are against your favor.
Hopefully, this article helped you expand your knowledge about the immigration process and how you can appeal to higher authorities in case of application rejection or return for different immigration programs.

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