Who Is A Good Candidate For Mitral Valve Repair?

heart surgery doctor in india

The heart is a complex pump that has four one-way valves. One of the valves is a mitral valve, located between the left atrium and the left ventricle. Valves stop working properly when they fail to open effectively, limiting blood flow (mitral stenosis). Additionally, when they fail to close properly, generating a substantial backward leak (mitral regurgitation). The most common cause of mitral regurgitation (MR), or a leaking mitral valve, is mitral valve prolapse, which occurs when a part of the valve fails to close properly. This is the leading cause of mitral valve disease. Those having issues with their valves might wonder whether they need mitral valve surgery. They can seek expert advice from a skilled heart surgery doctor in India, an expert like Dr. Sujay Shad. Let’s get this started!

Symptoms that require Replacement of the Heart Valve:

  • Breathing problems
  • Chest pain
  • Palpitations
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Unsteadiness or faintness
  • Abnormal heartbeat

Further analysis is used to evaluate the source, nature, and severity of heart valve disease after a patient consults the doctor for these problems.

Procedure of Mitral Valve Repair Surgery

To carry out safe mitral valve surgery, the patient must be supplied with blood, oxygen, and nutrition via a machine (heart-lung machine) while the surgeon works on an inactive heart. Through a successful incision in the correct spot of the heart, the surgeon will get near the damaged valve, remove it, and replace it with a valve of the proper size and shape. By the completion of the procedure, the cardiovascular structures have been repaired, and the heart can start beating again. When the patient’s heart returns to normal function, the heart-lung machine is detached. After the chest has been sealed, the patient is returned to critical care for recovery.

A Good Candidate for Mitral Valve Repair Surgery

  • If someone has significant mitral regurgitation or mitral stenosis, they may need surgery to repair or replace their mitral valve. Shortness of breath, especially when exerting oneself or walking up a hill or steps, is one of the symptoms of mitral valve disease. Other typical symptoms include heart palpitations, which seem like the heart is ‘racing’ or beating differently.
  • Mitral valve dysfunction can eventually lead to heart failure. It may appear as shortness of breath at rest, inability to lie flat, waking up in the middle of the night with shortness of breath, and leg swelling.
  • Before considering mitral valve repair or replacement a cardiothoracic surgeon should examine the patients with significant mitral regurgitation and symptoms. Patients without symptoms are regularly evaluated by their cardiologists. If the heart begins to fail or expand without symptoms, surgery should be recommended.

When is Mitral Valve Surgery recommended?

The mitral valve controls blood flow between the chambers on the left side of the heart, circulating oxygenated blood throughout the body. It can develop two major problems: excessive thinning (stenosis) or leakage (regurgitation).

  • Regurgitation occurs when the openings of the mitral valve do not seal tightly, allowing blood to flow backwards. It is common in people with prolapsed mitral valves. If someone is experiencing significant symptoms of mitral valve regurgitation, they should consider mitral valve repair surgery.
  • The condition known as stenosis occurs when a valve narrows or malfunctions, preventing blood from exiting the heart chambers.  When this occurs, the heart must use extra energy to force blood through the stiff (stenotic) valve.

Heart Valve Repair Procedures include:

  • Annuloplasty: Annuloplasty is a type of surgery that involves reinforcing or tightening the ring surrounding the valve. Annuloplasty can be performed alone or combined with other heart valve repair procedures.
  • Valvuloplasty: This catheter treatment, also called balloon valvotomy, is used to repair a mitral valve with a narrow opening. Through an artery in the arm or groyne, the doctor inserts a balloon-tipped catheter into the mitral valve. The mitral valve opens wider when the balloon is inflated. Once the balloon is deflated, the catheter and balloon are removed. 

People with mitral valve defects frequently have mitral valve replacement surgery. Before placing an artificial or biological heart valve (bioprosthesis), the surgeon replaces the entire mitral valve frequently. This is the normal protocol for replacing the aortic valve. 

Contact the Top Heart Surgeon for Mitral Valve Repair in India

When the mitral valves fail to open and seal properly, the heart might be injured and must be replaced through mitral valve replacement surgery. To learn more about the surgery or to find out if it will be a suitable option for you, visit Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. Here you can consult the top heart surgeon Dr. Sujay Shad for effective and safest Mitral valve repair in India. The doctor has over three decades of expertise in performing effective complex heart surgeries. Consult Dr. Sujay Shad at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital now! 


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