It is not a bummer that life has its own fair share of circumstances that can give you stress and anxiety. From meeting office deadlines, your own personal issues, family responsibility etc tension or stress can creep in your life from anywhere. Sometimes it feels like you don?t have time for yourself not even five minutes so that you can sit down and breathe. Well, stress and anxiety is something that can creep from anywhere in your life. That?s where yoga can help you; it is an ancient mind-body practise that combines the physical posture (asana) with a breathing exercise and other relaxation techniques that help in lowering stress and reduce tension.
Even a few moments of yoga practice can calm our body and mind. Here are some of the best yoga poses described by Aym yoga school in Rishikesh that you can practice relieving stress from your life.

Stand in tadasana keeping your spine straight and breath in and stretch your arms above your head and as you exhale and bend forward from your hips and bring your hands to the floor. If you are a beginner then slightly bend your knees to feel the stretch in your hamstring. Try to keep your spine straight and hold this yoga pose for at least 4 to 8 breaths and then release from the pose.
Uttanasana stretches your thighs, hamstring and entire legs muscles. Also, it increases blood circulation towards your head that helps in relieving mild stress and anxiety.

Eagle pose
Start this pose by standing in tadasana keeping your feet hip-width apart and spine erect and shoulder down. Take a deep breath to calm you and now pick your left legs and cross it over your right legs as if you are sitting cross-legged on an imaginary chair and then bring your left hands and cross it over your right elbow and aim for touching your palm. You can deepen this pose by wrapping your legs and arms if you can maintain your balance. Stay in this pose at least for 5 breath and then repeat it with other leg.
Eagle pose is a great balance pose that requires a deep focus and concentration on a single point that helps in reducing stress and anxiety. While practicing eagle pose try to focus on an object as your drishti or focal point.

Child pose
Starts from a tabletop pose keeping your wrist beneath your shoulder and knees underneath your hips. Sit over your heels and with an inhale stretch your arms over your head and as you exhale bend your upper torso and kneel forward and rest your forehead over the mat and your chest on your knees. Try to stretch your arms in front of you as far as possible to feel the stretch on your back. Hold this pose for at least 5 to 10 breath and then release gently.
Balasana is the resting yoga pose that quieten your mind and ease your stress and highly beneficial for your lymphatic and nervous system.
Viparita Karani
Lie down on your back near the wall and place your hips against the wall and roll onto the wall and take your legs onto the wall. Make sure your hips should be placed close to the wall as possible. Hold this pose for at least 3 to 5 minutes and then release.
Leg up the wall or viparita Karani increase the blood circulation towards the head areas that helps in stress reduction.
Corpse pose
Lie down on your back keeping your legs stretched outside and arms resting beside you with palms facing up. Close your eyes and relax your entire body and breath consciously and deeply. Try to bring awareness to every part of your body starring from your head to your toes. Stay in this pose for at least 3 to 5 minutes and then release from the pose.
This yoga pose put every part of your body to ease, lower your blood pressure and stead your breath. It also calms your nervous system and hence reduce your stress and anxiety.

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